Yellowed And Thick Nails: 6 Remedies

Why do nails sometimes turn yellow, thick and, therefore, unsightly? The causes can be different, internal or external. The good news is that there are natural and effective treatments.
Thick and yellowed nails: 6 remedies

Thick and yellowing nails can have internal or external causes. In any case, the aesthetic impact is rather unpleasant. It is not a question of dyeing them to hide them, as sometimes the enamel itself weakens them. Let’s see, below, six remedies that will help you have healthy and beautiful nails.

What are the causes of yellowing and thick nails?

The factors to be evaluated are different, starting with a deficiency of vitamins A and B, which causes a yellowish halo on the nails, to more serious causes such as a liver problem.

Girl with cigarette in hand
Nicotine and other substances contained in cigarettes can cause yellowing of the fingers and nails.

Among the external causes, smoking is the most frequent. In fact, holding the cigarette ends up staining fingers and nails with nicotine. In these cases, the most affected nails will be those of the index and middle fingers.

Another yellowing factor can be the continued application of nail polish or false nails. The result is, among other things, a lack of oxygenation of the surface layer of the nail, which always remains covered, with damage to the keratin and poor cell regeneration.

The chemical formula of nail polish can include toluene, ethyl or butyl acetate, which are toxic to the skin and nails.

Finally, the nails can become thicker and yellow in the presence of a fungal infection that creeps under the nail and weakens the keratin. Other causes can be psoriasis, diabetes or just the passing of the years.

Remedies for yellowing and thick nails

When the cause of thick and yellow nails is internal – that is, lack of vitamins, inflammation of the liver or other diseases such as psoriasis – the trigger must first be addressed. The following remedies can be effective in any case.

Lemon juice

Lemon is the classic natural remedy for improving the appearance of fingernails and toenails. Citric acid helps exfoliate the surface and fight fungi. This remedy will be useful, therefore, both when the cause of the yellowing is external as well as internal.

Soak your nails in the lemon juice for about 5-10 minutes. When finished, rinse with soap and water. This treatment must be repeated until the yellow color has completely disappeared.

Other natural treatments

Hands with manicured nails
  • Lemon essential oil: we can also exploit the properties of lemon through its essential oil, available in natural product stores. In this case, the benefit is twofold since, in addition to cleaning the nails, it moisturizes the cuticles.
  • Hydrogen peroxide. Especially effective if the cause is a fungal infection. Just apply a few drops on each nail, for a week or two. This treatment works best if the nails are exfoliated every two to three days.
  • Effervescent tablets for prostheses. As well as whitening dentures, they can aid in the treatment of yellowing of the nails. Dip your nails in a bowl in which you have dissolved a tablet. Leave to act for the time indicated on the package.
  • Baking soda. Another inexpensive way to show off healthy nails again is to make a baking soda and water based paste. Apply it with a brush and then rub it. Leave it on for a few minutes, then rinse. If you do this on a regular basis, the yellow spots will soon disappear.
  • Olive oil, bicarbonate and lemon. A foolproof combination to whiten nails, tighten skin and smooth it all in one. Simply mix the three ingredients, spread them on your nails and let them act.

Recall again that, although these remedies are very effective, it is first of all necessary to go back to the cause of the yellowing. For this, a visit to the dermatologist will be enough, who will be able to advise well in case of lack of vitamins or any other ailment.

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