Writing Helps To Heal Wounds In A Miraculous Way

At first glance it may seem meaningless, but everything we write without filters helps to free our thoughts, which we can return to later.
Writing helps to heal wounds in a miraculous way

Writing helps me to give voice to what is happening inside of me. The pain, the disappointment, the sadness, the loneliness… I know I have a simple piece of paper and a pencil in my hand, but it’s so liberating that I don’t want to stop. Does it happen to you too? Is writing your outlet?

Ink that shapes what the soul cries out for. Words that flow telling stories destined to stay behind us.

Write emotions

woman with pencil

The inner need to let off steam, to express in words what one feels or is experiencing is natural. Speaking, however, is different from writing.

When you start to fill that blank page with thoughts that pile up in your mind, it all begins to make sense.

Is it not true that when we feel bad and everything collapses on us, we are invaded by a chaos from which it is difficult to get out? The succession of conflicting emotions that make us reflect and anguish us, that liberating cry that does not take away all the burdens.

Writing not only helps to put these destructive ideas on paper, but also to put them in order, to give them that sense that you never thought you would find.

Think, for example, of a painful phase in the couple relationship. You cannot understand what is happening to you, but you feel, you despair, you are full of doubts and anxiety. “What am I wrong with? What is happening to me?”

Write …

write at night

When the words are on paper, they will remain at your disposal as often as you need them. They will surprise you because you will understand what is really going on inside you.

Perhaps these words will tell you about your emotional addiction, they will tell you that you are enduring a situation that you hate, that you are not with who you really want to be with.

These written thoughts will reveal the most uncomfortable reality to you. However, thanks to them, you will find the road that brings you back to serenity.

Accelerate the healing process

Any negative experience causes a deep wound. The longer we ignored it, the deeper it got. This is why it is important to write; to get in touch with what’s really going on.

There are not only misunderstandings in the couple. The death of a loved one, the loss of a job, a fight… all of these circumstances deserve to be released through words.

This will not only allow you to see things more clearly, but will speed up the healing process. Each word is like a balm on our wounds because by writing we release tension and anxiety.

Thinking and writing

Many are unable to write good stories or deep poems if the emotions do not emerge at the skin’s edge. Only in that moment everything flows better, the words flow easily: it is not the logic that speaks, but the feelings.

Those feelings that must find their own expression, whatever it may be, even by means of meaningless words or incoherent sentences.

Write expressively

If you have tried to put your feelings in writing but have not achieved the desired results, perhaps you have not used expressive writing.

There are many people who think too much when they write ; they want the sentences to be coherent, that everything is perfectly clear.

It does not work like this. Writing expressively means shaping everything that comes to mind, as it is. No frills, no rules. Simply bringing out the chaos.

Don’t worry if what you wrote down doesn’t make any sense, it will later, when you come back to the words you wrote. Give yourself time and space and you will be able to see with a new perspective what was happening to you at that moment.

Write with confidence

Writing is one of the most effective ways to free ourselves from stress and put our life in order when it needs it most. It is a way to let off steam with ourselves and to make sense of what at first glance seemed to have none.

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