What Can Be Done With Avocado? From Cooking To Cosmetics

Did you know that avocado seed is a great complement to massage your legs? It fights cellulite and thanks to its oils it hydrates the skin and prevents stretch marks.
What can be done with avocado?  From cooking to cosmetics

Avocado is a delicious and very nutritious fruit that should never be missing from our diet; the nutritional values ​​of this fruit are complete and will appeal to the whole family. But do you already know what can be done with avocado?

In addition to giving some original ideas on how to eat avocado, in this article we give you some options to get the most benefit from it. You can learn how to use its peel and even the seed to prepare various beauty remedies and use it as a skin exfoliant or to massage the skin and fight cellulite. Let’s find out together!

Avocado in the kitchen

The creamy texture of avocado, thanks to its high content of healthy fats, offers us numerous options in the kitchen. One of these is the famous Mexican sauce called  guacamole, but if you don’t have much time, just mash the avocado well and add some finely chopped garlic, olive oil and salt.

This vegetable cream can be spread on any toast and gives us the opportunity to have a very healthy and nutritious breakfast.

The same creamy consistency we talked about is the same that allows us to prepare  pate, chopping or blending the avocado together with other ingredients such as olives, cheese, tuna, shrimps, aromatic herbs, etc.

Furthermore, avocado can be an excellent alternative for making sweet smoothies, as it gives the same creamy texture that is usually given by milk. For this reason, we can combine it with a banana or a pear, for example, to obtain a tasty smoothie.

Finally, you should know that the avocado seed hides many properties. 70% of the amino acids contained in this fruit are found in the seed, which also contains more soluble fiber than any other food.

To use the seed, you will have to grate it and toast it over low heat, then prepare an infusion or add it as a condiment to your dishes. We do not recommend its consumption to people suffering from constipation, as it has  astringent effects. For more information, please click here.

You must know that avocado is also a fruit very rich in proteins, so it is essential in the diet of vegetarians or those who consume low amounts of animal proteins. However, overweight people should avoid eating it in large quantities.

what can be done with lavocado

Exfoliant to purify the skin

Once every 10 or 15 days it is good to exfoliate the skin to eliminate dead cells and improve its regeneration, thus preventing the appearance of wrinkles and improving the appearance and firmness of the skin. 

With the inside of the avocado peel, which is slightly wrinkled, you can exfoliate your skin in a simple and natural way. First of all you have to wash your face well with warm water, then start exfoliating it by passing the avocado peel over your face by making small circular movements.

Since the skin of this area is very delicate, remember to always exfoliate it gently and with circular movements, avoiding to pass the peel around the eyes and on possible wounds or inflamed pimples.

Finally, let the avocado remains act a few more minutes and wash your face well with water. If you have dry skin, you can also apply a nourishing mask based on avocado.

what can be done with avocado

Mask to give shine to our skin

Avocado is a fruit rich in fatty acids, vitamins and minerals that enrich our skin. For this reason, in addition to eating it, you can prepare a very nourishing skin mask, which  will bring hydration and radiance to the skin.

To prepare it, mash half an avocado with a fork until the mixture is very homogeneous. Apply it directly to your face and let it act until it dries completely, then remove it with water.

If you wish, you can also mix avocado with other ingredients that are very nourishing for our skin, such as honey, brewer’s yeast, powdered oats or yogurt.

Massage the legs with the avocado seed

Avocado seed is used in many countries to massage the legs, especially the thighs and buttocks, to fight cellulite and orange peel skin by eliminating fat deposits. The seed releases the avocado oils as you massage, which also helps moisturize the skin and prevent stretch marks. In this way, avocado seed is far better and more natural than any leg massager.

Images courtesy of michellelynnegoodfellow, tompagenet and j_silla

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