What Are Goji Berries And What Benefits Do They Bring?

Among their multiple benefits, some studies highlight the properties of goji berries to fight cancer. In addition, they help us improve memory and delay premature aging
What are goji berries and what benefits do they bring?

Until recently, hardly anyone knew about goji berries   (Lycium barbarum) , as Western medicine is based on industrialized drugs and produced in factories.

Nonetheless, and thanks to the processes of globalization, cultural diversity at the world level has gradually decreased; for this reason, the discoveries of the Far East have become increasingly influential.

Today we will talk about the benefits of  goji berries.

What are goji berries?

Goji berries

It is  one of the best foods to fight skin aging ; coming from China, Himalayan goji berries have been used for a very long time.

There are many names by which they are known, for example goji cherry, Tibetan goji berries or Tibetan cherry.

Most important components of goji berries

The benefits are due to their nutritional composition, which is the following:

  • Vitamins (B1, B2, B6, C and E)
  • Beta-carotene
  • Lycopene
  • Minerals (calcium, potassium, selenium, iron, zinc, germanium)
  • Lutein
  • Essential amino acids

Properties of goji berries

Bowl with goji berries

The importance that this food has acquired and continues to acquire is mainly due to its properties.

While it benefits everyone, it is women who enjoy it the most.

It is necessary to know the main properties of these berries, based on their components.

They improve the health of the organism

  • Most of the components of these berries make them among the best sources of natural antioxidants in existence.
  • Beta-carotene, contained in these berries in higher quantities than carrots, helps to fight the action of free radicals, which deteriorate cells.
  • Taking these berries delays the effects of premature aging.
  • They stimulate growth hormone, which is responsible for reducing body fat.
  • They also improve sleep processes, memory and tissue repair.

They reduce the chances of suffering from cancer

According to a study completed in 2009, thanks to their antioxidant properties and the germanium present in them, the intake of goji berries blocks the cell mutation that causes tumors.   

Despite this, the greatest benefits are exerted on the liver, protecting it and avoiding cirrhosis.

Goji berries: regulate cholesterol

As you well know, cholesterol is divided into HDL (good) and LDL (bad). A healthy diet is recommended to keep cholesterol levels balanced.

Foods eaten must be accompanied by other factors, such as physical activity and natural alternatives to regulate digestion.

In the case of cholesterol, it can be regulated thanks to goji berries; this property is due to beta-sitosterol, an optimal and particularly effective chemical compound for treating imbalances.

On the other hand, this food contains flavonoids, which have the task of keeping the arteries in good condition  and avoiding the accumulation of cholesterol.

Lose weight

By reducing cholesterol, the fat that accumulates in the body is transformed into energy, which is synthesized every day.

The goal is to combine the consumption of goji berries with the regular practice of physical activity; in this way, it will be easier to lose weight.

Goji berries are good for the heart

Heart health

The heart is one of the most important organs in the human body. In this sense, it must be kept in optimal conditions.

Taking goji berries regularly can be of great help. Thanks to their contribution of anthocyanins, they strengthen the coronary arteries.       

On the other hand, these berries contain cyperone, a phytochemical that helps regulate blood pressure within the heart.

They improve eye health

If we think about it for a moment, we will realize that sight is one of the senses we use the most.

The eyes are exposed to multiple factors and, as a result, are subjected to considerable deterioration. In general, you  end up putting on a pair of glasses or, even worse, undergoing laser surgery.  

This deterioration causes the appearance of various diseases although, fortunately, there are efficient alternatives to improve their health.

Goji berries are good for your health. Their compounds prevent macular degeneration and cataracts. 

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