Treatment And Prevention Of Foot Odor

To avoid excessive sweating, which is usually one of the most common factors that cause bad odor, you can apply baking soda to both feet and shoes.
Treatment and prevention of bad foot odor

Foot odor is a very common problem, in fact all of us could suffer from it sooner or later. It is usually the consequence of poor personal hygiene, the presence of fungi and bacteria, unsuitable shoes, humidity and even stress.

We all know that foot odor is quite unpleasant and can even become a cause for shame within the social environment in which we live.

Currently on the market there are numerous products against bad odor that usually neutralize it, but only in a few cases eliminate it completely. In this article we will give you some advice and we will show you some natural treatments to tackle this problem with excellent results.

How to prevent bad foot odor?

In order for a foot odor treatment to be effective, it is very important to follow certain precautions before using any other products specific to this problem. Many times, foot odor is related to some daily habits that you can identify and correct in order to make the problem go away completely.

  • Hygiene : it is very important to clean your feet very well every day to reduce the presence of bacteria. If possible, use an antibacterial soap and an exfoliating soap to eliminate the dead cells that accumulate on the surface of the feet.
  • Humidity : humidity is one of the causes of bad foot odor, so it is important to keep them dry and avoid humid environments, which will also prevent the appearance of fungi.
  • Deodorants : Using talcum powder or deodorant foot sprays is a great idea to avoid excess sweating and bad odor.
  • Shoes : The type of shoes you wear plays a very important role in foot odor. IS It is important to use shoes that promote proper foot ventilation; closed shoes, in fact, can cause bad smell.
  • Socks and socks : socks or socks made of synthetic materials favor the appearance of bad smells. If possible, opt for cotton socks.

Foot odor treatment

After putting these simple tips into practice to combat foot odor, it is a good idea to resort to a home treatment to eliminate and prevent it. There are several natural alternatives to clean your feet and get rid of this annoying problem once and for all.

Baking soda for foot odor

Bicarbonate against bad foot odor

Baking soda acts as a natural deodorant and you can use it as an alternative to powders and spray deodorants. Sprinkle some baking soda inside your shoes and on your feet to avoid excessive sweating and the resulting bad smell.

Apple cider vinegar

Apple cider vinegar favors the disappearance of bad foot odor because it regulates the pH of the skin and helps eliminate bacteria. For this treatment, you simply mix 5 large tablespoons of apple cider vinegar in a bowl with hot water and soak your feet for 10 minutes.


Sage against bad odor

Sage is a plant whose properties help reduce excessive sweating of the feet, favoring the elimination of bacteria. To use it, you can put fresh sage leaves inside the shoes the day before wearing them, or you can soak your feet in a sage infusion for 15 minutes.


Ginger is a root with antibacterial properties that promote the elimination of bad odor. In addition to its anti-inflammatory benefits, we also remember that ginger helps eliminate swelling of the feet and has a relaxing effect.

You simply need to grate a medium-sized ginger root and mix it with water. Put it on the stove for 15 minutes and use the liquid you have obtained to massage your feet before going to sleep.

Rosemary, lemon and mint

Rosemary, lemon and mint

This natural treatment is ideal for eliminating the bad odor of the feet as it is able to reduce excessive sweating, helps to eliminate bacteria and deeply cleans the skin of the feet, leaving them fresh and free from any type of odor.

What do you have to do?

In a large bowl, mix a liter of warm water, the juice of one lemon, a tablespoon of rosemary and one of mint. Soak your feet in the bowl for 15 minutes and then dry them thoroughly to prevent moisture from remaining.

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