Treating Calluses Naturally, Here’s How

To soften the corns, take a foot bath with chamomile. Subsequently, to moisturize, apply vaseline to the affected area and wear cotton socks, to enhance their effect.
Treating calluses naturally, here's how

Sometimes treating calluses is imperative. In fact they are really very painful and not only prevent you from walking well, but also from carrying out daily activities. In most cases, calluses appear due to lack of foot care.

Despite being such an essential part of our body it often doesn’t get the attention it deserves. In this article, you will learn about some tips for treating calluses  naturally.

How to treat calluses

Calluses appear as a natural response of the body as protection to repeated pressure or friction in the area, especially due to unsuitable shoes. The calluses can also occur in the hands, if you use too always time for the same instrument, for example.

However, those that appear on the feet are more annoying and painful, because they prevent you from walking normally, wearing certain types of shoes, etc.

Confusion between calluses and calluses must be avoided. The latter are horny formations with a central core of hardened keratin that hurts if pressure is applied; appear in the joints of the fingers and on the sole of the foot.

Calluses are larger (they can usually be about 1 inch long), have a thick layer of dead skin, and appear next to the big toe or under the heel. Both corns and calluses can be treated in the same way, with the same natural remedies.

Treat calluses

Natural remedies for calluses

  • To treat corns, gently scrape them with a pumice stone after taking a bath, with clean, dry skin. After, rub with a raw onion cut in half. Finally, pour a few drops of arnica tincture.
  • Put on the corn a clove of garlic well minced and possibly mixed with olive oil. This will make the skin softer and reduce the calluses more and more. Cover with a cloth and leave to act overnight.
  • Prepare a mixture by chopping 5 or 6 aspirins and mix them with a tablespoon of lemon juice and one of water. Place it on the callus and wrap with a warm towel for 10 minutes. The heat will allow the mixture to penetrate the skin and make it softer. Afterwards, pass the pumice stone to remove dead skin more easily.
Feet on the grass

Other useful remedies

  • To treat the corns, marinate leek leaves for 24 hours with a drop of wine vinegar. Apply to the callus for 20 minutes. Then all you have to do is remove it gently using a suitable tool, sharp and previously disinfected with alcohol.
  • Apply an ointment that includes calendula petals several times a day that can act as an anti-inflammatory and so that the tissue becomes softer.
  • Soak your feet for 10 minutes in an infusion made with four tablespoons of chamomile in a liter of water. The water must be lukewarm and you must leave your feet immersed until the water has cooled. Next, apply a layer of Vaseline to the callus and cover it with cotton socks.
  • Soak bread crumbs in apple cider vinegar and leave to rest for a few days. For three nights in a row, apply these crumbs as a poultice on the callus, covering them with a handkerchief. Before doing this, you need to soak your feet in a container with warm water to make the callus softer, so that it is easier to get rid of.
Feet with orchid

Also discover these remedies

  • Cut a fresh fig and extract the pulp. Place it on the corn before going to sleep and keep it there with gauze, cloth or cotton. In the morning, remove everything with almost hot lukewarm water. Let half an hour pass and remove the dead skin with the pumice stone.
  • Wash and chop 40 grams of spinach leaves, put them in gauze and apply it on the affected area as a poultice. Leave for 20 minutes and remove. Repeat the treatment for several days (about a week), until you start to feel that the corn is softer.
  • Chop a handful of houseleek leaves until you get a “paste” to which you add a tablespoon of apple cider vinegar. Place it on the dry areas of the skin; let it dry and pass the pumice stone.
  • Soak your feet in warm water for 10 minutes (until it cools down). With your feet still wet, pass a paste obtained by combining a spoonful of baking soda and water. Make a massage, exerting a little pressure, in order to eliminate the callus. Conclude by passing the pumice stone.
Foot blisters

Also discover these remedies to treat calluses

  • Peel a pineapple and put a slice of the peel of this fruit around the corn, the soft part must touch the skin. Keep it in place with a bandage. Leave it on overnight and in the morning let your feet soak for 10 minutes. Repeat several times until the callus is easily removed. You will need at least four applications.
  • Mix a tablespoon of apple cider vinegar with 1/8 cup of oil and vigorously rub the corn. Afterwards, pass the pumice stone and finish with an almond oil massage.
  • Every day, for at least two weeks, rub the castor oil on the callus; then, place a piece of lemon peel and a slice of raw tomato. Cover with a bandage. The juices of these ingredients will soften the corn.
  • Chop a clove of garlic with a tablespoon of ivy, until you get the juice. Soak a gauze and apply it directly on the callus. Cover with a cloth and leave to act overnight. Repeat the treatment every day until the skin is softer.
  • Take nettle leaves and flowers and wash them well. Chop them until you get a “paste” to apply on the callus. To make it easier, puree them in a blender with a little water. Another interesting option are marigold leaves and flowers.

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