Treat Abdominal Bloating With Herbal Remedies

Abdominal bloating is a disorder that affects many people. Today we will find out how to manage this problem thanks to some natural herbal teas.
Treat abdominal bloating with herbal remedies

Abdominal distension is often accompanied by pain and discomfort. Frequently, those affected do not know the cause of the problem. In this article, we present some herbal solutions with which to treat abdominal bloating. 

Intolerance to a food or substance (gluten for example) can cause abdominal bloating. In addition to this, large meals, chewing food with an open mouth (which causes ingestion of air) or drinking fizzy drinks can also be a reason for a bloated belly.

Herbal remedies to treat abdominal bloating

Abdominal bloating is often accompanied by an excess of intestinal gas, especially after meals. This is because large meals require extra strain on the part of the stomach, which prolongs the time of digestion and causes discomfort and discomfort.

To treat abdominal swelling, specific medications (mainly chewable tablets) are generally used, which calm the inflammation and provide relief. However, there are some natural options.

1. Chamomile

Chamomile tea to treat abdominal swelling.
Chamomile is one of the most popular plants for treating digestive disorders.

Chamomile is an excellent natural remedy for treating a swollen belly. As indicated by many studies, chamomile is ideal for digestive disorders.

After a large meal, for example, consuming a cup of chamomile stimulates digestion and makes us feel better. It is recommended to drink it in the evening, because in addition to preventing and treating abdominal swelling, it helps you sleep.

2. Mint

Mint is another great remedy for treating bloating. A mint tea after meals offers an immediate feeling of well-being and promotes digestion. On top of that, it has antioxidant and antibacterial properties.

Another unique feature of this plant is its very fresh taste. If we wish, we can add a little lemon or even honey. It is best to consume it after the main meal; in the evening, however, it is better to prefer chamomile.

3. Laurel

Laurel tea.

Laurel is another very effective herbal remedy for the treatment of abdominal bloating. It is not easy to find ready-made sachets in the supermarket to prepare a herbal tea based on laurel. We will probably have to buy the leaves and make an infusion ourselves.

Some consider bay leaf to be a true stomach tonic, and after its intake the feeling of well-being is evident. Just add a few bay leaves to a pot of boiling water. Once the liquid has been filtered, we will be able to enjoy an infusion with digestive properties.

4. Fennel to treat abdominal bloating

The preparation of a fennel-based infusion involves the same steps just described for the bay leaf tea. Fennel seeds have anti-inflammatory effects that make them great for treating bloating and intestinal gas.

It is recommended to drink fennel tea after a large meal and alternate it with the previous options. The ideal is to try the various options to find out which one works best for our condition.

What to do in case of abdominal swelling

We can treat abdominal bloating with herbal teas, but if this problem is common, we should talk to your doctor. Our diet probably includes one or more foods that cause this reaction in the body.

To date, the number of people with a food intolerance has significantly increased. We should, therefore, also take this possibility into consideration.

Woman with stomach ache.
On many occasions, intolerance to certain foods or certain habits can be the cause of abdominal distension.

If this problem occurs often, we should analyze and improve our eating habits. For example, it is advisable to eat slowly, without haste (possibly sitting down), to chew well and only the quantities of food required by our body.

We hope that the herbal teas presented here can be the solution to your problem. We remind you, however, that you must consult your doctor if the disorder persists or if a food intolerance is suspected. Once the cause has been identified, a swollen belly will only be a distant memory.

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