Tips And Tricks Do It Yourself Against Sore Feet

In most cases, foot pain can improve with proper daily care. Hygiene and comfortable shoes are the key to not suffering.
Do-it-yourself tips and tricks against sore feet

The feet are a part of the body that we often forget, and of which we only remember when some problem arises, a sudden sore foot, or when summer arrives and we have to get them out of their hiding place.

Doctors, on the other hand, recommend that you check your feet every day to make sure there are no wounds, blisters, redness, cracks, calluses or other problems that need specific intervention. Let’s find out what to do when we have sore feet

Why do I have sore feet?

Foot ache can be caused by multiple factors, including:

  • Excessive body weight.
  • Flatfoot.
  • Deformities in the structure, such as hallux valgus or hammer toes.
  • Warts or calluses.
  • Arthritis.
  • Bone spur.
  • Plantar fasciitis.
  • Ingrown toenails, etc.

Tips for daily care

  • Wash them every day with a mild soap and warm water (at no more than 38 ° C).
  • Wear comfortable shoes.
  • Trim your nails frequently. If you can’t do it yourself, get help from a podiatrist: nails should be cut straight and not too short.
  • Do some foot exercises.
  • If you are overweight, try to lose weight.
  • If you are diabetic, take extra care of your feet and go to the doctor whenever you notice any lesions, spots, limp or swelling.
  • Pay particular attention to cuts and avoid infections.
  • Sleep with your feet a little higher than your knees to activate the return circulation.

How to relieve sore feet at home

  • Relaxing baths : Put lukewarm water in a bowl and add some sea salt. Gently massage and then run cold water over your feet to activate blood circulation. Dry your feet thoroughly, especially between the toes. Then apply a moisturizer (never between the fingers) or talcum powder.
  • Ginger baths : Grate a generous amount of ginger in about two liters of boiling water. When it has become lukewarm, put your feet in and massage them: it will help to activate the circulation.
  • The Indian chestnut is useful for improving blood circulation and eliminating inflammation. Apply it in the form of pads or creams. Alternatively, you can replace it with rosemary essential oil  which has very similar anti-inflammatory properties.
  • Put a few drops of arnica tincture in warm water, put your feet in and let them rest for a few minutes. Never leave them for more than 5 minutes when using arnica, as the skin may dry out.
  • A massage with castor oil will eliminate irritation and dryness.
  • If you add a few drops of mint essence to warm water, you will soothe the burning and refresh them.

Exercises to improve the muscles of the feet

Healthy feet
  • Place a tennis ball on the ground and place the sole of the bare foot on it: make it turn by massaging the arch of the foot, from heel to toe.
  • Position yourself lying down or sitting on the ground with your legs extended and your toes pointing upwards: stretch your toes forward and then return to the starting position.
  • Position yourself lying down or sitting on the floor or in bed, turn your feet in order to describe the widest possible circumferences.
  • Always with bare feet, sitting on a chair or on the ground, flex your fingers as if you want to grab something: you can use a towel or a ball and try to grab it with your toes.

What do you think of these simple tips for relieving sore feet? We assure you that it is really worth putting them into practice, in order to show off and always enjoy healthy and beautiful fullness.

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