Things That Happen When You Are No Longer Happy With Your Partner

Communication is essential in a couple. If you no longer have the confidence to tell your problems and what ails you, it is possible that the flame has gone out.
Things that happen when you are no longer happy with your partner

Can you decipher the clues that indicate that you are no longer happy with your partner? Having a relationship as a couple can make us feel complete and motivated to face every challenge that life puts before us every day.

This provided that the “flame” of love and passion typical of the first months together is preserved.

However, time always plays against it, especially when both fall into monotony and do nothing to get out of it. For this reason, many couples are unable to understand each other and eventually end up breaking up without knowing why.

Enduring a relationship when you are no longer happy with your partner is very complicated and, not paying due attention to the situation, emotions can arise that prevent you from enjoying life and love as it should be.

There are attitudes and feelings that arise when love is ending or when for some reason you are no longer happy with your partner.

Knowing such behaviors is very important, as they invite us to make a final decision or to do something to rekindle love. Do you identify with them?

1. There is no physical or emotional connection

Dissatisfied girl and sleeping boy

Do you find it difficult to connect as before? Were the displays of affection missed? Don’t you feel the same physical desire as before?  If these situations are occurring, it clearly means that the relationship is weak and suffocating.

The loss of physical and emotional connection, even in intimate moments, shows that the couple is no longer happy.

2. Make comparisons with the past

All couples must accept that the first days or months together are always the best, the passion is alive and you want to conquer the other person.

It is very difficult that this is always the case, because, in one way or another, the relationship enters a comfort zone from which you can only get out when you decide to do something different.

Making comparisons with what your partner once was and wishing for everything to be as it was at the beginning tells you that in the present you are not happy  and that you need more attention from your loved one.

3. Expect your partner to change

Couple quarrel

Expecting a person to change their way of being and become the way we want them to is a serious mistake and can greatly ruin the relationship.

If you fell in love with it, why do you want to change it now? If this is unavoidable, the happiness of both of you is very likely to be found somewhere else.

4. Poor communication

Losing the desire and confidence to speak is almost a sentence of the couple’s failure.

Communication  is one of the pillars of maintaining a healthy and happy relationship, and losing this quality causes a lot of problems for both of you.

Do you no longer feel comfortable telling him / her your things? Do you see each other and hardly speak? Do you find it boring?

The positive answer to these questions is another sign that you can no longer be happy with this person.

5. Everything he says and does annoys you

Couple arguing on the sofa

It doesn’t matter if what he says or does is for a good purpose, it irritates you and can end up annoying you a lot.

This is not a good sign and it can end really badly. If you disagree so much with his ideals,  let him go and think about what you really want from life.

6. Avoiding yourself very often indicates that you are no longer happy with your partner

He calls you, invites you to go out or looks for any excuse to see you, but you are looking for a stronger excuse not to show up for the appointment. 

Losing interest in being together and always preferring other activities, such as spending time with friends, watching television, or being alone, is a very evident sign of the unhappiness you are feeling.

7. There is no interest in improving the relationship

When the relationship is compromised and everything indicates that you are unhappy, there are two things to do:  close this chapter or fight to revive it  and find the strength to stay together again.

Not feeling the desire to fight, to try a little, or not to reciprocate what the partner does to improve the situation indicates that it is time to put a stop to the relationship.

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