The Brain Changes When You Become A Mother

Becoming a mother causes physical and emotional changes, but also structural changes in the brain.
The brain changes when you become a mother

Motherhood changes in so many different ways. From the earliest moments of pregnancy, a multitude of physical and emotional changes occur that can be felt to a greater or lesser extent. But did you know that the brain also changes when you become a mother?

Researchers from the study published in 2016 in the journal Nature Neuroscience observed a brain restructuring that begins during pregnancy and continues for at least the first two years after childbirth. Read on to find out all about this topic.

Does the brain change when you become a mother?

Miniature brain
The plasticity of a mother’s brain is associated with developmental adaptation.

A group of researchers from the Autonomous University of Barcelona underwent magnetic resonance imaging of some women during and after pregnancy. A reduction in the volume of gray matter in the regions associated with social relations was thus observed.

This reduction was found only in pregnant women. The change occurred symmetrically in gray matter volume, prefrontal and temporal cortex sections, and cortical midline. These areas are associated by neurologists with skills and social dynamics.

After giving birth, new MRIs were performed while mothers looked at photos of their children: the same effect was produced. The future fathers also underwent the same studies, but in this case there were no changes in the brain. Therefore it was concluded that brain changes are a strictly female feature.

The changes in the mother’s brain

The research found no difference between women who conceived naturally or through IVF. In both cases, the gray matter reduction was similar. Now let’s see how this decrease affects or modifies the behavior of the new mother:

  • No changes in memory or other cognitive functions were detected.
  • Gray matter loss is not associated with cognitive impairment.
  • The mother’s brain plasticity has developmental purposes: the new mother will respond more efficiently to the baby’s needs. Thanks to this reduction of gray matter, the woman is more sensitive to the emotional state of her child and more attentive to any threats.

Does the new mother lose her memory?

Woman with a post it note on her forehead
Some studies indicate a possible decrease in memory when you become a mother.

Although the cited study presented no evidence of reduced memory in mothers, research conducted by Dr. Laura Glynn suggests that hormonal changes may have some influence on this ability.

Among her conclusions, the doctor indicates that the brain adaptation of the woman who became a mother could lead to a reduction in memory performance.

In addition, research conducted in Australia compared the memory response of pregnant women and those who were not. Significant memory impairment was observed.

Based on these two studies, we are confident that the brain changes when one becomes a mother. This plasticity allows for adaptation to new circumstances and a greater empathic response, necessary to take care of the child in the right way, albeit at the expense of memory.

Yes, the brain changes when you become a mother

The brain changes when you become a mother, there is no doubt. Despite this, there is no definitive data to determine exactly how these brain changes affect daily actions. In summary it is believed that:

  • Empathy would increase, which allows you to understand your children.
  • The ability to recognize potential threats and dangers grows.
  • Memory may be affected.
  • The areas associated with love are stimulated to generate that symbiotic relationship that allows for the correct development and protection of the child during his first years of life.

Motherhood changes women in so many different ways. It not only leaves indelible marks on their bodies, but appears to modify their brains so that they can better respond to their children’s needs.

Although the data is not totally definitive and more research is needed on it, it seems that the brain changes when you become a mother.

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