The Best Yoga Poses For Beginners

Do you know the best positions to start practicing yoga and benefit from it?
The best yoga poses for beginners

When a person decides to take up a new sport, he must take into account several factors to avoid getting hurt. In the case of yoga, it is important to know the best positions for beginners.

Many believe that physical activity requires being young, flexible or thin. The yoga, however, is an exercise suitable for everyone, regardless of age, physical conditions or by weight.

Since this activity has multiple benefits, you need to know how to do it correctly from the first day of training. It will be much more enjoyable and above all more effective.

Yoga poses for beginners: start with the basics

Everyone feels a bit awkward and embarrassed at the first yoga class. However, you don’t need to create great expectations right away, you have to take one step at a time and celebrate every little success.

If you want to practice some at home before going to yoga class, here are some simple exercises for beginners:

1. Position of the mountain or Tadasana

Mountain location

To enter the world of yoga, this position is ideal. Stand with your legs together and separate your heels slightly. Place your palms at chest height and keep your back and head straight .

Relax your shoulders and gradually raise your arms above your head as you inhale deeply. Close your eyes to focus better.

If you need to step up the exercise, lift your heels off the ground so that only your toes are resting.

2. Position of the three warriors or Virabhadrasana

This exercise serves to regain inner balance; affects the area from the neck to the pelvis. Stand up and lift your right leg forward, bending the knee slightly. Extend your left leg as much as possible.

Place your hands on your hips. Then open your arms so that the hands are above the line of the head. Move your neck back. Maintain this position for 30 seconds.

3. Yoga positions for beginners: the tree or Vrksasana

Tree location

Adopt the initial posture of the mountain stance: standing with your legs together and your palms together at chest height.

Relax your shoulders and focus your gaze on a specific point (a painting, a wall sign, an object, etc.). Load your body weight on your right leg and gradually lift your left foot off the ground.

The idea is to place the sole of the left foot on the inner part of the right thigh. At first you will struggle to maintain your balance, but you have to make an effort to keep your gaze fixed on the chosen point. After 30 seconds, switch sides.

4. Pose of the cat or Marjariasana

Another basic yoga position is that of the cat, which allows you to relax the back and neck, as well as flexibilize the spine.

Assume the position on all fours, placing your palms, knees and the back of the foot on the ground or on the mat.

Bring your head back and arch your back. After a few seconds, do the reverse movement: bring your head forward (between your shoulders) and curve your back as if to form a hump. Repeat the exercise at least 10 times, always slowly.

5. Position of the Triangle or Trikonasana

Yoga triangle position

Stand up, legs apart at shoulder height. The feet must be parallel to each other. Load your body weight on the right side and stretch your left arm up as far as possible.

With your right hand, lean on your knee while gradually tilting your torso. Once you have found your balance, turn your head so that you can see your left hand “in the air”.

Hold the position for a few seconds, then slowly return to the starting position and repeat the exercise with the other side of the body.

6. Position of the candle or Sarvangasana

Lie on the mat on your stomach, legs straight and arms along the sides of the body. Bring your knees to your chest and then lift your torso and legs until they are perpendicular to the floor. You can help yourself with your hands.

Shoulders, upper arms and head should be resting firmly on the mat. Hold the position for 30 seconds and then return to the starting position very slowly.

7. Yoga Poses for Beginners: Downward Dog or Adho Mukha Svanasana

Downward facing dog position

This beginner position is used to stretch the shoulders, calves and thus strengthen the legs and arms. Place your palms and soles of your feet on the ground or on the mat.

With your back straight, lift your hips up to form a sort of triangle. The head must pass the line of the shoulders, facing the knees.

To increase balance, spread your fingers apart. At first, you can rest your heels against the wall. Try to release the tension in the neck. Breathe slowly and stretch your back well.

8. Fish Pose or Matsyasana

The latest potion of yoga for beginners that we offer promotes breathing and allows you to relax your back and neck. Lie on your stomach and straighten your legs. Place your hands under your thighs with palms facing up.

Rest your elbows and lift your torso. Bring your head back and rest it on the ground. Breathe deeply 5 times and return very slowly to the starting position.

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