The Best Natural Remedies For Insomnia

In addition to the remedies we are talking about in this article, to combat insomnia it is necessary to “get tired” before the evening, so we recommend that you practice physical activity and avoid afternoon naps.
The best natural remedies for insomnia

L ‘ insomnia is never welcome because of its negative effects. The causes can be different: today we will see the most common.

For example, a busy lifestyle causes insomnia . A busy routine, which does not involve healthy habits such as a balanced diet or physical activity, has a negative impact on sleep.

The accumulation of stress or even worries that you cannot escape from have a negative effect that affects the quality of sleep.

Also, ailments such as anxiety or depression can impair rest.

Insomnia can occur as a natural response of the body. When a person changes his schedule suddenly or is affected by the change of season, it is easy for his biorhythm to be affected.

Below we present a series of natural, simple and inexpensive alternatives to combat insomnia. The ingredients are readily available in any supermarket.

1. Tea

Green tea infusion
  • Linden is one of the most used ingredients to treat insomnia due to its calming and relaxing properties. This plant allows you to sleep, so as not to spend sleepless nights. It has a relaxing effect on the muscles.
  • Another option is valerian. This plant also boasts relaxing properties and helps fight insomnia.

2. Milk

Cup of milk

Warm milk is a traditional home remedy for treating insomnia. Thanks to the contribution of melatonin, it helps to induce sleep. However, one should not overdo the consumption of milk.

The researchers of the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) have shown that the protein-rich foods, such as milk, hinder the passage of tryptophan to the brain, so it is hard to fall asleep. To optimize the effects of milk, you can add honey.

 3. Aromatherapy

Woman sitting in the office

The aromas and scents of certain essential oils can have a calming effect on the brain. The most used fragrances in this sense are those that evoke the scent of rose, orange, lemon and lavender.

You can also use candles or essential oils of mandarin or verbena to treat insomnia. We recommend that you start therapy twenty minutes before going to bed.

Other considerations against insomnia

There are other small habits that you can include in your daily routine to put an end to the problem of insomnia.

The results will not be immediate, but consistency will reward you and in the long run you will notice a significant improvement in the quality of your night’s rest.

  • One of the tips we want to give you is to eliminate the daily nap. In this way, when the evening arrives, your body will be sufficiently tired and will be able to fall asleep more easily.
  • Keep away any electronic devices as they stimulate your brain activity. As long as you keep the TV on, use your mobile phone or tablet, it will be difficult for you to fall asleep. Lights, especially the lighter ones, stimulate the brain, keeping it active and preventing it from relaxing.
  • Also avoid consulting social networks and information sites, because they could deal with delicate issues that alter your emotional balance, and therefore the quality of your rest.

Change your habits!

  • Exercise regularly. Your body will consume energy and get tired progressively. If you add this effect to your workload, you will be tired enough to keep insomnia out of your life.
  • Avoid the consumption of caffeine. Coffee is an exciting drink that helps keep you active and clear during the day, but it is not recommended in the hours leading up to a night’s rest.
  • Chocolate also has stimulating properties, so avoid eating it in the evening. The consumption of sugar causes stimuli for the brain, which therefore sees itself obliged to remain active.
  • The same is true for alcoholic beverages, as they alter the body’s normal values ​​and prevent you from resting deeply.

Try to follow these habits in everyday life. You probably won’t notice great results right away, but in the long run your body will benefit and get used to falling asleep easily.

However, if the problem of insomnia persists, we advise you to contact your doctor in order to investigate the causes that trigger it.

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