Strengthen Nails Naturally? 5 Tips

Today we have numerous cosmetic methods and treatments available to strengthen nails. To supplement their effects, it is very important to take additional care. Discover them with us!
Strengthen your nails naturally?  5 tips

Nails are made up of several layers of a protein called keratin. When healthy, their surface is hard and smooth, free from cracks or irregularities. When they are weak, they can take on a grained and yellowish appearance. Do you want to strengthen your nails in a natural way? Find out some useful tips in this article!

Beyond the aesthetic factor, nails can reflect some aspects of health. For this reason, when they are weak or fragile, it is important to evaluate the possible presence of nutritional deficiencies or underlying diseases.

In this case, before trying any other remedy, it will be necessary to follow the treatment prescribed by the doctor. If it is a minor problem, however, it is sufficient to take some simple treatments.

Tips to strengthen your nails in a natural way

To strengthen the nails in a natural way, we can follow some basic tips. While the application of commercial strengtheners can be quite helpful, in general it is recommended to take other basic treatments that help to preserve the health of the nails.

1. Consume biotin

Strengthen your nails with sources of vitamin B7.
The adequate assimilation of biotin strengthens the structure of the nail correcting its weakening and fragility.

Regular consumption of foods containing biotin is essential for strengthening nails naturally. This vitamin allows the body to transform food into energy, and also strengthens the hair and nails.

The study conducted by the Weill Cornell Medicine research unit suggests that taking biotin supplements daily makes nails stronger in just a few weeks. It is possible to increase biotin consumption by ingesting foods such as:

  • Brewer’s yeast
  • Hard-boiled eggs
  • Sardines
  • Nuts and derivatives
  • Whole grains
  • legumes
  • Cauliflower
  • Bananas
  • Mushrooms

2. Avoid using false nails and nail polishes

The constant use of false nails and nail polishes can greatly affect the weakening of the surface layers of the nails. It is therefore advisable to avoid resorting to these solutions as much as possible. As for the glazes, it will be good to check that they are free of substances such as:

  • Toluene
  • Formaldehyde
  • Dibutyl phthalate (DBP)

The best glazes are based on water and natural ingredients. In pharmacies and cosmetic stores there are various brands based on delicate components.

3. Use protective gloves to strengthen your nails naturally

Use of cleaning gloves.
The use of protective gloves when handling hygiene chemicals avoids weakening of the nails.

Contact with chemicals is a factor that affects the nail deterioration process. For the reasons set out above, it is essential to wear protective gloves when carrying out housework involving contact with hygiene products.

Gloves act as a barrier to prevent chemicals from coming into direct contact with the nails. In addition, they protect your hands when they need to be kept in the water for a long time.

4. Maintain proper hygiene

Proper hygiene habits allow you to keep your nails healthy. They stimulate growth and minimize breakage problems. It is therefore important to wash them regularly, eliminating any trace of dirt inside them.

It is also advisable to cut them using a nail clipper, first in a straight line and then rounding the tips with a file. Finally, it is of fundamental importance to moisturize the cuticles and surfaces, gently applying a moisturizing lotion, cream or oil.

5. Take protein to strengthen nails naturally

Foods to strengthen nails with animal proteins.
Providing adequate amounts of protein in our diet will ensure that we provide adequate nutrients for keratin formation.

As the US National Library of Medicine explains , nails are mostly made up of a known fibrous protein called keratin. It is this substance that gives them strength and endurance.

In order to have healthy and strong nails, it is recommended to consume sufficient amounts of protein, in order to increase the production of keratin. Some protein sources are:

  • Pork and beef
  • Chicken and turkey
  • Eggs
  • Dairy product
  • Fatty fish
  • legumes
  • Nuts and seeds
  • Whole grains

Consult a specialist

You can strengthen your nails naturally by introducing some dietary changes and dedicating them to be simple basic care. However, we must be constant in their application.

Beyond that, if you don’t notice any improvement or if your nails look too weak, your best bet is to see a doctor.

Sometimes the weakening of the nails can be the consequence of some hormonal imbalances or nutritional deficiencies; therefore, it is essential to consult a specialist.

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