Stiff Neck And Stress Are Linked: How To Cure It

The neck is one of the first areas of the body to suffer from stress. In these cases, avoid sudden movements and use natural remedies, such as cold / heat therapy
Stiff neck and stress are linked: how to cure it

Have you ever experienced that stiffness typical of a stiff neck ? Even if it is a very common pain, suffering from it triggers various problems, to the point that it is often the cause of absence from work due to illness.

When we suffer from a stiff neck, it is impossible for us to turn our heads and, when we try, we experience dizziness and even some degree of anxiety or nausea. It is impossible for us to do anything until the inflammation subsides, so it is normal to have to spend a few days resting and using pain relievers.

The best way to prevent a stiff neck from recurring is to prevent it from occurring, and it is therefore interesting to know that most of the processes associated with this discomfort are due to stress.

We invite you to deepen this information, as well as find out how to cure a stiff neck to make it disappear as soon as possible.

The relationship between stiff neck and stress

Doctors specify that torticollis usually have two causes:

Hereditary or etiological

A wrong position of the fetus, intrauterine pressure of childbirth or even neck muscle abnormalities inherited from the parents can be the cause of this problem.


It is the most common cause and is linked to poor posture, an accident or injury and, above all, fatigue and stress problems.

When we are subjected to stressful situations for a long period of time, not only are metabolic and hormonal changes triggered, but the muscle structures tend to overload.

In most cases, many of us don’t exercise our neck, shoulder and back muscles. They are not very elastic and are not used to being subjected to such persistent tension.

Usually, the trapezius and other neck muscles are very weak if you are not used to using them and, for this reason, tension tends to concentrate in this more sensitive area.

The stiffness that is triggered and the overload end up inflaming the nerves, muscles and all those complex structures that are located between the shoulders and the head.

According to what many physiotherapists and medical specialists have explained , there are people who express stress in the form of muscle pain, especially pain in the neck area.

All the nervousness and emotional load build up in this part of the body.

The best remedies for a stiff neck

rosemary oil against stiff neck

1. A rest period

You need some time for yourself. A stiff neck is a warning sign that you shouldn’t ignore and that prompts you to make some lifestyle changes and learn to prioritize.

You will need a time ranging from one week to 10 days for the stiffness to disappear and regain the mobility of the neck. For this reason, it is necessary to slow down and rest.

  • Don’t strain your neck.
  • Make harmonious movements in the neck-shoulder-head area. Avoid sudden movements and, when you have to turn around, not only move your neck, but accompany it with your whole body.

2. Cold-hot treatment against stiff neck

The cold-heat treatment is one of the most common and essential techniques for reducing muscle inflammation problems. To apply it, you have to follow these instructions:

What do you need?

  • A linen cloth
  • 500 ml of water
  • Rosemary essential oil
  • An ice pack or pad specifically designed for this treatment.

How is it applied?

  • You have to repeat this simple treatment 3 times a day. The first thing to do is to boil the water. Once hot, let it rest for a long time so that it does not burn and you can use it without hurting yourself.
  • Alternate the ice pack and hot cloth every 5 minutes. Start by applying the ice pack.
  • Then, dip the cloth in hot water, squeeze it, add a few drops of rosemary essential oil and apply it on the neck.
  • This treatment must last between 20 and 25 minutes and must be repeated, as we have already said, 3 times a day.

3. Follow the advice of specialists

Sometimes we are a little reluctant to follow the doctor’s advice and we even avoid consulting a specialist. However, it is always good to listen to their advice, especially if we think we need to use pain relievers or pain relievers.

Avoid self-prescribing medicines and follow the advice given to you.

4. Light exercises to do after a few days to treat a stiff neck

stiff neck
  • Your body will tell you how the stiff neck proceeds. The first few days you have to rest and not make too many neck movements.
  • As you notice less tension, then you can start doing some movement thanks to harmonic exercises.
  • Turn your neck slowly from right to left. Try as hard as the pain allows and with very light movements.
  • Above all, avoid moving your neck back, as it only makes the problem worse. Always in a delicate way.
  • Accompany these movements with light hand massages, always in a circular direction, where you feel pain.

As the days go by, the pain and stiff neck will subside.

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