Satiating Foods: What Are They?

The satiating effect of foods depends on the time of day we consume them. If we eat them on an empty stomach, the effect will last all day.
Satiating foods: what are they?

Who wouldn’t want a magic formula that can make us feel full with a light meal? There is no magic, in return there are several  satiating foods.

We must learn to recognize satiating foods and the right time to consume them .  By choosing the right foods, in fact, we will satisfy hunger for longer and, consequently, we will eat less.

Why are there satiating and other foods at all?

Satiety is given by the complete satisfaction of a desire. Specifically, this desire is to eat.

When our brain receives the satiety signal, it stops asking for food. If the feeling of satiety did not exist, we will eat continuously, without any limit.

When foods produce a satiating effect, we need less food to feel full. As a result, we will ingest fewer calories and this aspect is ideal if we want to lose weight or keep fit.

A food can satiate more than another for different reasons, one of which is its action on hormones.  Some foods act directly on the hormones that regulate satiety  thus inhibiting appetite.

Other foods, i.e. those that have a high fiber content, increase their volume once ingested . This causes the timing to digest them to lengthen and the stomach to empty more slowly.

Even those whose volume is composed mostly of water and air tend to satiate more than others. At the same time, less processed products and those with a high protein content will be more satiating when ingested.

Knowing satiating foods will help us to feed ourselves correctly. We will be able to adjust the portions in order to meet our nutritional needs and we will enjoy greater well-being.

Some satiating foods

Vegetables and colorful vegetables

Thanks to their high water and fiber content,  fruits, vegetables and vegetables increase the feeling of satiety.

They do not have a high calorie content and, since they satiate us, they do not push us to consume other more caloric foods.

The great variety of fruits and vegetables that we can find means that we do not get bored and pushes us to constantly consume these foods:

  • Among the fruits with a satiating effect, apples stand out.  They contain soluble fiber which increases its volume once it reaches the stomach, thus reducing appetite.
  • Melon and strawberries contain few calories and a lot of water; which is ideal for giving us a prolonged feeling of satiety.

In terms of juice and smoothies, we must not forget that to obtain a greater satiating effect, it is necessary to consume whole fruits and vegetables instead of fruit juices.

As for the vegetables:

  • Tomatoes contain a high amount of water.
  • Artichokes have high levels of insulin, so they regulate blood glucose and reduce appetite.
  • Eggplants are part of the satiating food group because they are low in calories, high in fiber and easily digestible.
  • Boiled potatoes are among the foods that offer a greater satiating effect. They are healthy and have numerous nutritional benefits.

They are rich in fiber (which facilitate intestinal transit), low in fat and contain an appetite starter protein.

Satisfying breakfast based on egg and oats

Bowl of oats

Another satiating food is egg. Thanks to their high protein content, having breakfast with eggs reduces your daily calorie intake. This habit has been proven to help you lose weight.

Oats are another of the satiating foods. Low in calories and high in fiber, it is ideal for quenching hunger and filling us up.

Having breakfast with oats allows us to arrive at lunch less hungry ; therefore, we will eat less and ingest less food.

Soup with legumes that is good for the spirit!

Minestrone of legumes

Although logic may suggest that being liquid, it won’t satiate us very much, it doesn’t. Creamy or liquid, the soup stays in the stomach for a long time, producing a satiating effect.

Legumes are foods with a satiating effect, they give us fibers that regulate intestinal transit and their caloric content is not high. In addition to filling us up, beans, lentils and peas have excellent nutritional values.

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