Regrets And Remorse Before Dying

Repenting of not doing something when you are on the verge of death doesn’t make much sense, you have to remember it when you are still alive and well
Regrets and remorse before dying

Many people repent on the verge of death. They feel a feeling of emptiness because they have not made full use of the time available. In fact, it is common to have regrets and remorse before dying.

It seems that only when we are about to die do we realize the value of life. It doesn’t make sense at this point. We can avoid it.

Regrets and remorse on the verge of death: it is useless

Repenting when you are close to death makes no sense. What are the main reasons for regret and remorse?

Writing them down on a piece of paper is one way to avoid living on autopilot without paying attention to the things that really matter.

Let’s see what are the most common regrets and remorse.

1. I didn’t live the life I wanted

It is one of the most common regrets, a result of insecurity when it comes to making decisions in any area of ​​life.

The need for the approval of others, the various “look it’s dangerous!”, “It’s not worth spending so much money on this!”, “Are you sure you want to carry this idea forward?”, Fuel our insecurity, so it’s easy to take a few steps back.

How many people have done the studies that parents expected? How many have done a job that had “more outlets”? However, none of this made them happy.

Woman who fears the judgment of others

We give too much importance to what others think of us, without realizing that by doing so we lose numerous opportunities to live our life as we want.

2. I have worked too hard

Here’s another reason people repent on the verge of death: a life dedicated only to work, instead of just working for a living.

For many people, work can be a priority, leaving family and friends to one side.

Over time, they realize that they have not seen their children grow up, that they have lost complicity with their partner due to too much distance and that they have not cultivated their friendships.

Personal relationships are of great value to anyone. We give them the importance they deserve. Work is important, but interpersonal relationships are much more so.

3. I should have done more crazy

Turning back and finding out how many crazy things went through our heads and that we didn’t do it out of fear, insecurity or other excuses leaves us with a bad taste in our mouth.

Why didn’t we go bungee jumping that time? Why didn’t we backpack the world the way we wanted?

All unfulfilled desires are grounds for deathbed repentance.

Sad girl

Being crazy means getting out of the comfort zone, that space in which we feel so safe, but which at the same time limits us.

We only live once, why not do it intensely?

4. I wish I had expressed my feelings

From an early age, they teach us to repress our feelings, not to cry in public, not to raise our voices too much, to remain composed …

This means that when the moment requires it, we are unable to express our emotions in the intimacy of our home.

It is important to learn how to express what we feel, understand our emotions and know how to manage them properly.

“Why didn’t I tell him I loved him?”, “I wish I had cried that time, I would have freed myself from the pain I had inside”. We do not wait until the end to live these experiences.

After reading this article, you will have realized that it is time to change your lifestyle.

Only in this way one day you will be able to close your eyes with a smile on your lips, satisfied with how you lived it.

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