Purify Yourself By Drinking Smoothies One Day A Week

Choose a day when you don’t have to make a lot of physical or mental effort to follow this smoothie cure, so that the body can detoxify.
Cleanse yourself by drinking smoothies one day a week

Smoothies are often believed to make you fat due to their sugar and fat content. On the contrary, if we select the ingredients well, we can obtain drinks with a delicious flavor, with a creamy consistency and which will also help us lose weight.

This is why we propose to keep the line by reserving one day of the week for the exclusive consumption of these smoothies . This way your digestive system will rest, as they are easy to digest; you will also be able to lose weight and compensate for the excesses of other days.

Drinking smoothies one day a week: health benefits

  • Smoothies allow us to mix different ingredients, even some that we don’t like too much, without even noticing their taste
  • Since we generally don’t chew properly, smoothies make it easier for the digestive system to work
  • We won’t be hungry, as smoothies are consistent and easily fill us up 
  • We can combine different foods according to our tastes and also the needs of our body
  • Smoothies allow us to add some natural supplements to make them even more nutritious and therapeutic
  • A smoothie contains the same amount of carbohydrates, proteins and fats that our body needs, so we will not have any deficiency
  • We can decide to insert this day of smoothies only after a day in which we ate too much
smoothies and fruit

How you do it?

Choose a day of the week when you do not have to make great physical or mental efforts, since the body must be able to dedicate that day to detoxification and regeneration.

Take between 3 and 10 glasses of smoothie. It is important not to feel hungry and to allow time between smoothies to digest them, but not to overdo it.

Drink the smoothie slowly, enjoying it well and also chewing it. Those who find it difficult to drink only smoothies, because they feel the need to eat something solid, can prepare a thicker smoothie and eat it in a deep plate with a spoon.

The ideal is to always reserve the same day of the week for this therapy, to ensure that our body adapts to this new purification routine. During the chosen day, also avoid tobacco or any unhealthy habit.

During this day it is good to do light physical activity, such as yoga or tai-chi, breathing exercises, meditation, relaxation, etc. You can also go for a walk by the sea or in the mountains.

In addition to smoothies, you need to drink plenty of water throughout the day. You can also opt for purifying infusions, which will help you cleanse the body more deeply. For example:

  • Strengthen the function of the liver : milk thistle, dandelion, boldo, artichoke
  • Cleanse the kidneys : burdock, horsetail
  • Improve bowel function : flaxseed, senna
  • Clean the skin : nettle
  • Relax the nervous system : passion flower, linden, valerian
infused and covered

Preparation of smoothies

Below we will list the ingredients that you can include in your smoothies. To avoid digestive problems, we recommend that you do not choose more than one ingredient from each category for the same smoothie.

  • Fresh fruit: apple, pear, pineapple, strawberries, papaya
  • Ripe banana
  • Tender spinach
  • Ripe avocado
  • Chopped dried fruit: almonds, walnuts, pine nuts, hazelnuts
  • Dehydrated fruit: raisins, prunes, dates
  • Vegetable milk (oat, rice, spelled), natural fresh apple juice or water
slimming smoothies

You can also add some of the following supplements, which will help nourish your body and provide a good amount of vitamins, minerals, fatty acids, etc.

  • Brewer’s yeast : excellent supplement for skin, hair, nails, nervous system and to give energy
  • Wheat germ : it is an excellent antioxidant, it provides vitamin E
  • Powdered pollen : a very nutritious super food that helps fight fatigue and exhaustion and increase defenses
  • Cold pressed linseed oil : rich in fatty acids
  • Extra virgin coconut oil : a very nourishing oil that will give smoothies a delicious, delicate and sweet flavor
  • Spirulina powder : one of the best superfoods, in small quantities it does not alter the taste of smoothies, but gives a green color
  • Powdered wheat grass : it is an excellent purifier and contains many mineral salts

To sweeten your smoothies, choose one of the following foods:

  • stevia
  • bee honey
  • cane honey
  • molasses from cereals or fruit
  • Maple syrup.

In some cases, a ripe banana will be enough to give the smoothie a sweet flavor.

Images courtesy of Emily Carlin, n_sapiens and n_sapiens

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