Pregoressia: What Is It And What Are The Risks?

Pregorexia increases the risk of miscarriage, premature rupture of membranes, and complications. In this article we explain what this eating disorder that occurs during pregnancy consists of.
Pregoressia: what is it and what are the risks?

Pregorexia is an eating disorder that can occur during pregnancy. The term derives from the English word pregnancy , which means “pregnancy”, and “anorexia”. Although its incidence is increasing, this dysfunction has not yet been sufficiently studied and described.

Nearly 294 out of 1000 women of childbearing age have a body mass index below adequate. This, due to a constant concern with weight and body image, appears to be a potential risk factor for pregorexia during pregnancy.

What is pregorexia?

Pregorexia is included among the eating disorders. It occurs during pregnancy and is based on the fear of gaining weight. The woman wishes to maintain or decrease her weight during pregnancy.

To do this, he performs extreme exercise, reduces his food intake, or induces vomiting. He obsessively tracks the calories he consumes or even skips meals.

Most commonly, these behaviors begin to become more evident after the second trimester of pregnancy. This is partly due to the fact that during the first trimester many women lose weight due to nausea and vomiting, which can lead to confusing symptoms.

During pregnancy, the woman should gain weight. In fact, it is estimated that the ideal is to take up to 12 kilograms. This figure, however, varies depending on the woman’s body mass before pregnancy.

Nonetheless, due to behaviors linked to pregorexia, the normal and physiological weight gain is lost, putting the health of the unborn child at risk.

Pregnant woman eating fruit.
Getting fat during pregnancy is normal and healthy to some extent, as long as it is within certain parameters.

What is the cause of this disorder?

According to some research, pregorexia often occurs in women with a history of anorexia. But it is also common among those who have suffered from another eating disorder, such as bulimia.

Yet, this condition can also occur without having suffered from a previous eating disorder. A study by the University of Jaén (Spain) indicates that other factors often intervene such as :

  • Low self-esteem or insecurity : Anxiety and depression are linked to pregorexia.
  • Unwanted pregnancy or not feeling ready to become a mom.
  • Difficult relationship with your partner or even not having their support.

The main cause, however, is the obsession with the standards of beauty defended by society. Social media, TV, magazines and advertisements often spread the misconception of the perfect physique. Many believe that beauty consists only in a slim body.

This leads many people to worry about weight and thinness, to the point that many women try to achieve this aesthetic model even during pregnancy.

Risks of pregorexia

The development of the fetus depends on the health of the mother and her nutritional status. Insufficient nutrition and weight not only put a woman’s health at risk, but can have very serious consequences for the fetus.

Pregorexia causes anemia and is linked to endometriosis and respiratory infections. It also increases the risk of postpartum depression if the pregnancy is carried to term.

In fact, during gestation this disorder can lead to spontaneous abortion and a greater risk of premature rupture of the membranes. It is common for the unborn child to suffer from hypoglycemia, infections and even death.

According to a study published in 2014, some mothers with pregorexia had to stop breastfeeding. This is because they did not have enough milk due to the nutritional deficit.

How can this problem be solved?

It is crucial to identify this disorder as soon as possible. Performing rigorous checks on the health of the woman is necessary in every pregnancy, but even more so if there is a risk factor.

In this case, you need to keep track of your weight during pregnancy, which will inevitably increase. The doctor should indicate the necessary daily calories and explain to the woman that she should not be afraid of gaining weight.

If symptoms of pregorexia are detected, individualized psychological therapy should be initiated. The gynecologist will also make sure that the fetus is not at risk. No drug treatment is used, only in extreme cases are food supplements administered.

Diet in pregnancy.
Following a correct diet during pregnancy is part of the care to be reserved for the mother.

Psychological support is needed

Pregorexia is an eating disorder that occurs during pregnancy for which the woman has a strong fear of gaining weight, so she carries out practices that jeopardize the development of the fetus. It is important to treat this disorder as soon as possible and to offer a personalized psychotherapeutic path.

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