Potato Water To Promote Hair Growth

Both the pulp and the peel of the potato help fight hair loss and instead stimulate growth, as well as giving shine to the hair.
Potato water to promote hair growth

Potato juice is a natural remedy for hair growth, so you have probably heard of it. But if that’s not your case, don’t worry, because in this article we will tell you everything you need to know about potato water to promote hair growth.

Of all the problems affecting the hair of men and women, continuous fall is in the first place.

Hair loss, caused by several factors, leads to aesthetic discomfort and a health problem. In fact it could indicate a nutritional deficiency. The causes could also be genetic in nature and it has a solution in most cases.

It could also be accompanied by a difficulty in their growth, which prevents them from showing off a long and healthy hair.

To combat hair loss, the cosmetic industry has created hundreds of chemicals that can guarantee excellent results.

However, they are not suitable for everyone and sometimes cost too much for frequent treatment.

Fortunately, there are natural alternatives, such as potato juice, whose properties are widely valued in natural cosmetics.

Why is potato water good for hair growth?

Peeled potatoes

Potato water as an alternative hair care treatment is an interesting way of providing your hair with the essential nutrients it needs, such as vitamins A, B and C.

A deficiency in any of these nutrients causes a weakening of the hair structure, as well as problems with dryness and falling out.

Furthermore, potato juice provides minerals such as calcium, magnesium, zinc and iron which play a very important role in the health and beauty of the body.

Incorporating this tuber into your diet moderately is a good way to enjoy its benefits. However, direct use is the best solution for hair problems.

How is potato water prepared for hair growth?


There are several alternatives to take advantage of potatoes in the treatment of hair loss. Juice is a very interesting option because it brings together all the vitamins of this tuber and represents an effective solution.


  • 4 potatoes
  • ½ glass of water (100 ml)


  • First, wash the potatoes well and cut them into small pieces.
  • Then, put them in the blender and add a little water to blend them better.
  • After obtaining a not very thick puree, strain the juice into a clean container with the help of a colander.
  • After separating the juice from the pulp, you can proceed with the treatment.

Method of application

  • To stimulate hair growth and restore strength and shine, first of all, the product must be applied to the scalp with a light massage.
  • Next, you have to pour the potato juice on the rest of the hair and then cover it with a shower cap.
  • After 20 or 25 minutes, rinse with plenty of warm or cold water.
  • Use should be daily, until the first results are noticed. Then, you have to proceed with the application three times a week.
  • The potato juice, in addition to promoting hair growth, will bring shine and health to the hair.

Potato water to strengthen hair


Peeled potatoes in a saucepan.

The pulp of potatoes is not the only part that improves the health and appearance of the hair. With the peel, in fact, it is possible to prepare a special water to strengthen the hair and complete the treatment against the fall.


  • The skins of the potatoes
  • 1 liter of water


  • Wash the potato skins well to remove any earth residues. Then put them in a saucepan with a liter of water.
  • Let it boil for a few minutes and, once cooked, remove the saucepan from the heat and let it rest.

Method of application

  • Use potato water as a final rinse after washing your hair.
  • You can repeat the treatment two or three times a week for best results.

The best thing about potato water is that it not only promotes hair growth but also acts as a natural conditioner for more beautiful and less damaged hair.

Enjoy the benefits of potato juice for your hair

Woman in the mirror after shower.

In conclusion, it is worth trying the properties of this wonderful food to improve the health and beauty of hair. Even if the effects of natural remedies are not immediate, those who use them regularly ensure that they give great benefits.

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