Pimples On The Buttocks: Why Do They Appear?

To avoid the onset of pimples on the buttocks it is essential to take great care of hygiene and use neutral products that do not irritate the affected area. Are you interested in knowing why they appear? Find out in this article!
Pimples on the buttocks: why do they appear?

Pimples on the buttocks are one of the most common skin problems. And since they look unsightly and cause discomfort, especially when sitting, people struggle to find a quick and effective solution.

However, haste can lead to resorting to unhelpful or completely counterproductive products and even excessive handling of pimples on the buttocks . Hence the importance of consulting a dermatologist for an evaluation, so that he can make a diagnosis and prescribe the most appropriate treatment.

What are the causes of pimples on the buttocks?


It must be considered that the appearance of pimples is not exclusive to adolescence. In fact, during adulthood, follicle closure can cause red papules (pimples) in places like the buttocks.

Since the buttocks are an area of ​​the body rich in follicular-sebaceous units, when different factors are combined, they can be injured and infected. Therefore, foci can manifest themselves in the form of papules and pustules.

Well, in these cases it is always advisable to consult a dermatologist, as only a professional can determine the origin of pimples on the buttocks, examining characteristics such as shape, color and state of irritation, among others.

And, while many think it is acne, there are many other dermatological disorders that can cause this unpleasant symptom. Some of the most common are:

  • Ringworm
  • Psoriasis
  • Intertrigo
  • Urticaria
  • Candidiasis
  • Shingles
  • Genital herpes
  • Keratosis pilare
  • Sclerotic lichen
  • Atopic dermatitis
  • Contact dermatitis

Another common cause of pimples on the buttocks is a condition known as folliculitis. It is inflammation caused by an infection of bacteria, yeast or fungus. These microorganisms irritate the follicles or cause a blockage which can manifest itself in the form of pimples on the surface of the skin.

Although it can appear on any part of the body, the buttocks are the most affected area. According to information published in the American Journal of Clinical Dermatology , clinically, acute cases are manifested by vesicles, pustules or papulopustules 1 mm wide.

On the other hand, when the process is chronic, it can manifest itself as hyperkeratosis or the formation of keratolytic plugs. In the latter cases, scars often remain difficult to eliminate. Therefore, it is essential to contact a professional.

Risk factors

  • Sweating.
  • Bad personal hygiene
  • Excessive handling of the area.
  • Poorly treated dermatitis.
  • Use of razors in poor condition.
  • Wearing underwear that is too tight.
  • Poor diet and excessive consumption of saturated fat.

Pimples on the buttocks: personal hygiene is important

In many cases, pimples appear due to bad perspiration. And since it is not always possible to avoid sweating, it is possible to maintain good personal hygiene to prevent infection of the skin pores.

When you shower, non-greasy, antiseptic, and little (or not at all) scented products are best for preventing pimples and keeping the area clean and disinfected.

Woman takes a shower

Suitable underwear

In addition to covering the private parts and highlighting their merits, underwear helps the skin not to come into contact with bacteria and fluids. It is recommended to use organic fiber materials, such as cotton, in place of synthetic fiber garments.

How to treat pimples on the buttocks?

When pimples appear on the buttocks, the most important thing to do is to avoid the temptation to remove them. If you do, you risk enlarging the pimples even more and making them more painful.

On the other hand, squeezing them can cause purulent spread emanating from the follicle or spread the infection. Instead of removing them, the best thing to do is to maintain good hygiene and, if the dermatologist recommends it, use antiseptic products (in cream or other format) to dry the pimples.

As with other parts of acne, the treatment is similar in the case of the buttocks. It consists of treating the infected follicle with antibiotics and keeping the area clean, so that the inflammation subsides.

Do not try for any reason to eradicate it, in the belief that it will not reappear. If you do, the pus will spread all over the place, making the situation worse. Arm yourself with patience and keep the affected area fresh and clean as much as possible. Let the medicines and time do their work.

Final remarks

Remember that these eruptions are the result of multiple factors. Analyze the circumstances that caused the pimples on the buttocks and apply the products prescribed by your doctor. In this case, the aesthetic factor is completely secondary to health.

Although pimples on the buttocks are unpleasant and uncomfortable, it is best not to rush to get rid of them to get a real cure.

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