Osteoarthritis Of The Knee And Simple Exercises

Knee osteoarthritis is an inflammation of the joint, often painful, due to the progressive deterioration of the articular cartilage. To improve symptoms, we offer some useful exercises.
Knee osteoarthritis and simple exercises

Knee osteoarthritis is a degenerative disease of this joint, found mainly in older women. It is the consequence of progressive wear and loss of cartilage tissue.

In this article, we share some exercises that can help you if you suffer from knee osteoarthritis . With a little patience and discipline, you can ease the pain and slow the deterioration just a little. Read on!

Knee Osteoarthritis Information

Knee osteoarthritis can also cause mild disability and motor difficulties, although symptoms and severity vary depending on the individual. The only certain fact is the progressive deterioration that occurs over time.

In the first phase, the subject feels pain, which progressively increases, especially when exercising. The feeling of stiffness and inflammation can also appear at this stage.

Is there a treatment?

Osteoarthritis and knee pain
Treatment should be studied based on the patient’s symptoms and characteristics, including a nutritional plan and specific exercises.

The choice of treatment, pharmacological or surgical, depends on the intensity of the symptoms. However, remember that medications can only calm the symptoms and not cure the ailment . It will therefore be essential to combine complementary techniques that give relief.

It is also important to avoid being overweight, as this condition has a strong impact on the course of the disease due to the pressure on the knees. In this case, the practice of low intensity aerobic activity and a balanced diet is useful.

It will also be necessary to avoid or modify the physical activities that produce pain, both those in motion and those that require staying too long in the same position. You can also use knee pads.

Exercises to treat osteoarthritis of the knee

A workout specifically designed for this pathology, to be performed at home, could give excellent results. However, you will have to be consistent in your execution. Once discontinued, its effectiveness is lost in less than 6 months.

1. Stretching of the hamstring muscles

Treat osteoarthritis with hamstring stretching
With a little muscle warm-up and the help of an elastic band, we can stretch the different parts of the joint.

This exercise should always be performed after a light muscle warm-up activity. It can be done, for example, after returning home or after a walk. This first exercise counteracts stiffness and increases the mobility of the limb. It can also help reduce pain and reduce the risk of injury.

  • Lie on your back.
  • Then, place the elastic band under the sole of the foot and hold the ends with both hands.
  • Keep the other leg flat on the ground and stretch the one supported by the band as much as possible, keeping the toe of the foot hammered towards the body and up.
  • Do the exercise gradually for about 15 seconds or more, and repeat with the other leg.
  • Do two repetitions for each leg.

2. Calf stretch

Calf stretch
Exercising the areas adjacent to the knee will help stabilize the joint.

To relieve knee osteoarthritis it is very important to keep the legs well toned and, at the same time, flexible. Strengthening all the muscles around the knee facilitates the work of the joint. In this second exercise we will therefore focus on the calves.

  • Stand up, like your hands resting on the wall, at chest height.
  • Place one leg close to the wall and bend it slightly, then straighten the other while keeping the heel on the ground. The goal is to feel the stretch in your calf as you press against the wall.
  • Hold the position for 30 seconds and switch to the other leg.
  • Repeat 3 times for each leg, 1 time per day.

3. Strengthen the quadriceps

Counteract osteoarthritis by strengthening the quadriceps
These exercises provide extra support to the joint, reducing the impact and pain of osteoarthritis.

In the last exercise we focus on strengthening the quadriceps. This large thigh muscle acts as an important stabilizer of the knee.

  • Lie on your back with one leg bent and the other straight.
  • Place a rolled-up towel under the knee of the extended leg.
  • Then, press your quadriceps as you press down on the towel.
  • Maintain the pressure for 5 seconds and gently release.
  • Rest for 5 seconds and repeat 10 more times.
  • Do the same with the other leg.
  • You can repeat this exercise 2 or 3 times every day

These 3 exercises are very simple and  help give the knee more mobility, helping to reduce inflammation and pain. The legs will gradually acquire tone, and if accompanied by regular physical activity, we will achieve greater improvements.

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