Oats For Health: 10 Fantastic Benefits

Oats have numerous health benefits. Consumed regularly, it allows you to control cholesterol and blood sugar and protect the heart.
Oats for health: 10 amazing benefits

Many recommend consuming oats to improve their health. Why? Oats are among the most complete, delicious and healthy cereals you can find on the market.

Worldwide it is one of the most consumed, in fact it boasts a high nutritional and energy value, which is why it is the basic ingredient of the diet of many civilizations and cultures.

Oats are commonly known as “the queen of grains” because they contain more proteins, vitamins, carbohydrates and nutrients than all other varieties of grains.

The best thing is that you can consume oats all year round, in fact it is always available and at an affordable price. Want to know the reasons why eating oats every day is worth it?

Read on to find out more!

Oats to treat various ailments:

1. Check your cholesterol

Oats contain a compound called Beta-glucan (fiber) which, according to researchers, is of great benefit to people who have high cholesterol problems.

Adding oats to your everyday breakfast ingredients can help keep your cholesterol levels in check.

2. It is antioxidant

diagram of the heart with veins and arteries

Oats also possess antioxidant properties that help fight free radicals linked to bad cholesterol. This property is also very important for preventing cardiovascular disease.

3. Oats to strengthen the immune system

Beta-glucan from oats helps improve the immune system’s response to viruses and bacteria responsible for infections.

Consuming a portion of oats every day helps strengthen the immune system and thus protect our body from pathogens.

4. Helps fight diabetes

oats to fight diabetes

People who consume oats regularly are less likely to develop type II diabetes.

The soluble fiber of oats can help people with diabetes because it stimulates the digestion of starch by regulating sugar levels, particularly after ingesting food.

5. Improve digestion

The consumption of oats helps to improve digestion, in fact the fiber is ideal for promoting intestinal transit and avoiding problems such as constipation.

The insoluble fiber of oats also helps to reduce bile acids and decrease their toxic capacity.

6. Gives a feeling of satiety

oat flakes

One of the reasons why we recommend having oats for breakfast is because it is a food that gives you a feeling of satiety for longer, so it prevents you from eating all the time.

This benefit is related to complex carbohydrates, also known as slow-absorbing carbohydrates.

7. Eat oats to prevent cancer

Oats contain lignans and phytoestrogens, two essential substances in the prevention of some types of cancer.

For this reason, the consumption of oats is recommended especially for women in menopause, in fact some studies have found that oats are very important in reducing the risk of developing breast cancer.

8. Helps fight asthma

Oats also have an expectorant action, so they are of great help for people suffering from coughs and bronchitis. Studies have revealed that increasing the consumption of whole grains such as oats can reduce the risk of asthma by up to 50%, especially in children.

The study also included fish and grain fiber, so it was found that the consumption of grains and fish can reduce the risk of asthma problems by 50% and the risk of narrowing of the respiratory tract by 80%. bronchi.

9. Consume oats to protect the heart

oats to protect the heart

Oats contain lignans, phytochemicals also present in other varieties of cereals, which are synthesized thanks to the intestinal flora and can protect the heart from various diseases.

10. It is diuretic

The consumption of oats helps to eliminate uric acid and increases the amount of urine thanks to the silicon it contains.

Oats are therefore very useful for fighting gout and other diseases related to water retention.

How to have oats for breakfast?

Although oats can be eaten in many ways for breakfast, we at Vivere più Sani offer you a simple recipe to enjoy all the properties of oats and start the day full of energy.


  • ½ cup of whole oat flour
  • 6 almonds
  • 2 walnuts
  • 1 tablespoon of chia seeds
  • Honey or stevia
  • 1 teaspoon of raisins
  • Vegetable drink with coconut or almonds

What do you have to do?

  • Half-fill a bowl with a good amount of whole oat flour. Then add a tablespoon of chia seeds.
  • Mix the two ingredients well and then pour the vegetable drink of your choice until everything is covered, but leaving room to add the other ingredients.
  • Add the remaining ingredients, cover the bowl and leave it in the fridge overnight. The next day you can add a little more vegetable drink.

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