Natural Anti-inflammatory With Turmeric And Almond Milk

Golden milk, in addition to being anti-inflammatory, strengthens the immune system. Also useful when we need extra energy.
Natural anti-inflammatory with turmeric and almond milk

A good alternative to anti-inflammatory drugs are natural remedies, with active ingredients that help control symptoms and avoid complications. Among these we find the remedy based on turmeric and almond milk, recognized for its nutritional value and the powerful anti-inflammatory effect.

We explain what it is and how to prepare it at home in a few simple steps. Take note!

Inflammation is the result of the imbalance caused by an infection or tissue injury. It is a defensive response from our body and is usually accompanied by pain, heaviness in the joints and difficulty in carrying out daily activities.

It tends to affect joints frequently, although it has a negative impact on muscle health and the circulatory system. Water retention, for example, is linked to inflammatory processes.

The inflammation, in most cases, subsides after a few days. However, some diseases can cause it recurrently, to the point of compromising the quality of life.

Anti-inflammatory with turmeric and almond milk

This turmeric and almond milk anti-inflammatory drink, also known as golden milk, is an ancient remedy. It is useful for relieving pain affecting the joints and muscles.

Contains active ingredients such as curcumin, which gives it antioxidant, calming and diuretic properties, necessary for the control of inflammatory processes.

It is also a natural source of vitamins, minerals and fiber. Therefore, it allows to improve digestion, circulation and other processes important for the optimal functioning of the organism.

Benefits of turmeric

Turmeric root and powder

Turmeric is one of the most valued medicinal roots in natural and alternative medicine. Its nutritional value and powerful antioxidant and anti-inflammatory effect have been recognized for centuries. 

Although it is best known for its uses in cooking, it is actually present in numerous natural remedies. The high concentration of curcumin gives this spice important analgesic effects,  useful for counteracting the symptoms of muscle injuries and arthritis.     

It is also excellent for fighting free radicals and thus preventing cell damage. Furthermore, it provides proteins, fibers, vitamins (A, B, C, E) and mineral salts (calcium, potassium, sodium, iron, magnesium, zinc).

Benefits of almond milk

Almonds and almond milk

Almond milk is a well-known and good alternative to cow’s milk. It is a vegetable milk, low in calories, gluten and cholesterol free.

It provides large quantities of vitamins, mineral salts and fibers, excellent for protecting heart, circulatory and joint health.

Consumed on a regular basis, it lowers cholesterol and improves blood flow to the cells. In addition, it helps to eliminate liquids retained in the tissues, preventing imbalances caused by inflammation.

Golden milk: anti-inflammatory and restorative

Turmeric anti-inflammatory remedy

This delicious drink is not only a remedy for pain and inflammation, but also a way to recharge us with energy.  

Contains carbohydrates, proteins and healthy fats that help improve physical and mental performance. Finally, it is a valuable aid for the immune system that helps keep defenses high.


  • 3 glasses of almond milk (600 ml)
  • 3 tablespoons of turmeric powder (30 g)
  • 1 teaspoon of cinnamon (5 g)
  • 1 tablespoon of honey (25 g)


  • Prepare the almond milk, strain it and then pour it into the blender with the turmeric and cinnamon.
  • Once you have a smooth drink, sweeten it with a little honey.
  • Drink it in the morning.
  • You can also have a second glass in the afternoon.

Consume it whenever you feel symptoms of inflammation or as a tonic.

Drinking regularly is a great way to make our body stronger in the face of disease. 

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