Lemon Care To Purify And Improve Health

Although lemon has an acidic taste, upon entering our body, it becomes alkaline and therefore helps us neutralize the acidity of other foods
Lemon care to purify and improve health

When we feel bad, we often resort to drugs and go to the doctor who offers us a diagnosis and treatment to follow. However, we rarely take care of prevention, of striving every day to follow a healthier diet and lifestyle. That’s why we present the  lemon cure. 

Lemon care is absolutely suitable for obtaining this internal balance that is then noticeable outside. It is not a remedy capable of ” healing everything “, but a way to obtain benefits from this fruit so healthy and healing that nature offers us.

Today in our blog we invite you to discover the lemon cure.

What can lemon cure help us do?

One of the aspects that must convince us of the fact that lemon is a super-food, is its high content of water, minerals and vitamins, as well as its low intake of fats and sugars. Its three most interesting components are, without a doubt , vitamin C, citric acid and malic acid.

We know that it is not good for everyone, but the secret to benefiting from lemons is finding the right dose for each of us. 

If you notice that the juice of a lemon, taken every day, is bad for you, reduce the amount of the dose and dissolve the juice in more water. Taken on a regular basis it will be a real cure-all for your body, but you must be the one yourself to find the quantity that is right for you.

Now let’s see what are the benefits that the lemon cure can bring us.


1. Get a more alkaline body

In our blog we have already talked on numerous occasions about the benefits of having a more alkaline body.

  • If we pay attention, we will realize that most of the foods around us have acidifying components: sugar, sweets, meat, white rice, refined flours, pizza, carbonated drinks, etc.
  • All this involves a greater work for our cells, which must eliminate all the excess of toxins and residues originating from these foods. This results in dirtier blood and overworking our kidneys and liver.
  • We need a balanced pH, and it is at this point that alkaline foods make an internal regulation that helps us to adequately absorb minerals, eliminating fat deposits and toxins that make proper blood circulation difficult.

One way to achieve this is to take care of your diet by regularly including lemon care in your diet.

2. The lemon cure mineralizes and purifies us

lemon juice

Many people avoid taking lemon. They think it is an “acidic” food that damages bone health and reduces the levels of red blood cells in the blood. Nothing more false.

Its taste must not deceive us. Despite the sour taste, when it reaches our stomach, lemon transforms into a highly alkaline ally, exactly as we have previously reported. This means that it will turn into a great help so that all the nutrients are properly assimilated.

  • If you suffer from anemia, it will help you to assimilate iron better thanks to its vitamin C.
  • Its high content of minerals and vitamins will significantly raise our defenses. It will allow us to have a stronger immune system, capable of coping with various diseases.
  • The lemon cure is also an excellent way to purify the body. It helps us digest fats, de-inflammation, eliminate all the toxins that tend to make us swell and attack the health of our bones and joints.

3. Caring for lemon will do your heart good

Our heart health will be favorably influenced by the lemon cure. Its high antioxidant index will improve the health of veins and arteries thanks to the following virtues:

  • Regulates excess bad or LDL cholesterol.
  • Offers greater elasticity to veins and arteries.
  • Eliminates the fatty plaque that adheres to the arteries.
  • Reduces hypertension.

Any food rich in vitamin C and antioxidants is good for our heart, but it is clear that lemon is always one of the most interesting from this point of view.

How to do the lemon cure


What do we need?

  • Organic ½ lemon juice.
  • 1 glass of water (200 ml)

How is it prepared?

  • First of all we need an organic lemon, which we can be sure about where it came from and whether it has been grown without pesticides. Perhaps it will surprise you, but in recent years due to the cultivation methods used and the transport of goods, many of our citrus fruits have lost their original levels of vitamins.
  • The first thing to do is to heat up some water. It must be lukewarm, not hot and absolutely not cold. In this way we will further enhance the virtues of this cure.
  • Take the juice of half a lemon and mix it with the warm water. We must drink it on an empty stomach for 4 days in a row. Stop for a week and then start the treatment again.
  • If you notice any kind of discomfort, add more water or decrease the amount of lemon juice. You will be interested to know that lemon juice is also indicated to treat gastritis.

Do not have doubts. Start taking care of your health with the lemon cure.

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