Learn To Eliminate Negative Thoughts

With some simple actions of daily life it is possible to take away space for non-constructive thoughts that often pervade us. What can we do about it?
Learn how to eliminate negative thoughts

It often happens that the lifestyle typical of Western society causes the onset of very large volumes of stress. For this reason, many people feel overwhelmed and are looking for different ways to eliminate negative thoughts, which turn into a real “mantra”, capable of damaging us in an incredible way. 

Thoughts hold great power. If our thoughts are loaded with negative emotions and destructive words, they are even capable of sabotaging us in a thousand ways throughout the day. Our condition of discomfort will be considerable and our life will begin to seem like a relentless battle. 

Conversely, if our thoughts abound with emotions capable of building, completing and elevating us, the results will be completely different. To learn how to exploit our thoughts and lead a healthy lifestyle, capable of strengthening our best characteristics, we must pay attention to some details, correct some of our ways of acting and do certain things.

In this sense, the key lies in knowing how to welcome the changes that can give us well-being in the short, medium and long term. It is not about avoiding negativity at all costs, but rather about learning to manage it, preventing it from anchoring itself in your life. 

Tips for eliminating negative thoughts

Below we are going to introduce you to a number of actions that could help you eliminate negative thoughts. Keep in mind that these are just tricks to live better and that they may not be enough to completely eliminate these kinds of thoughts.

For this reason, the advice is to consult a psychologist or a psychiatrist, in case this problem affects one or other aspects of life.

1. Change your body language

If you are used to all bent over walking, to constantly crossing your arms and legs, or more generally to using hostile body language both towards others and towards yourself, then we suggest you make some adjustments.

The first thing to do will be to correct your posture: always keep your back straight. Your body will be grateful to you, and this will already give you a feeling of well-being enough to improve your mood too.

When sitting, avoid crossing your arms and legs, especially if you are talking to someone. Instead, try to keep your back straight, your feet flat on the floor and your arms relaxed (on the table, on your knees or wherever you want).

These changes could help you gain self-confidence, open up to dialogue, and make a better impression. 

2. Talk

Chat with friends

To get rid of negative thoughts, it is always good to talk to someone you trust. While you may not believe it, speaking aloud to… yourself also works!

In fact, there is an exercise that is usually recommended in moments of greatest tension and discomfort. It consists of turning on a tape recorder and expressing all your concerns out loud, just as if we were together with someone we trust or our psychologist.

Once we finish talking, we will cancel the registration. It is not necessary to keep it, nor to listen to it again. Not feeling judged by anyone, we will be able to let off steam as we see fit, and thanks to this we will feel more relieved and ready to observe solutions from a more objective point of view.

There are other strategies that we can put in place to be able to let off steam more easily. The secret is to keep nothing inside and try to move on.

3. Relax your mind

Nowadays it is essential to both learn to relax and take moments to be able to do so. The first step is to take at least a few minutes to let go of everything we are doing and simply take deep breaths, as indicated by the medical website WebMD in one of its publications.

The concept is based on focusing one’s attention on the quality of breathing for a few minutes (about 5-10)  to make the body “let its guard down” and throw out all the accumulated tension. This way the negative thoughts will fade in an instant.

This helps us gain an advantage over them in order to regain control of the situation and replace negative emotions with positive ones. Don’t hesitate to try it!

4. Cast out negative thoughts

Learning to get rid of negative thoughts does not mean ignoring reality, but just changing the way we perceive it. In the face of conflict situations, we must not let negative thoughts take over us and prevent us from seeing the solution. To do this, you need to take some time off (as needed) to chase away those ideas that give us nothing but worries.

5. Use creativity in your favor

Come up with creative ways to help you get out of that focus of negativity you’ve fallen into. Remember that we certainly cannot expect the same solution to solve everything and always. It is essential to find new forms, to change the ways of acting.

Of course, activities that will give you well-being will also help you develop creative thoughts. Many resort to painting, drawing, writing, dancing and other things. The key is to be dynamic.

6. Go for a walk to eliminate negative thoughts

Take a walk

Sometimes  getting out of the environment around us can help us clear our minds and think more clearly. A walk in the park or in the open air will help you distract yourself and rearrange your ideas.

But don’t reserve walks for times when you feel overwhelmed – weekly walks can help you avoid extreme levels of stress and anxiety. In fact, according to a study published in the American Journal of Health Promotion , combining a 10-minute walk with a meditation session will result in very positive results.

7. Make a list of all the good things in your life

We often focus so much on problems that we overshadow all the good things that are a part of our lives. For this reason, when it comes to eliminating negative thoughts, it is good to make a list of good things. This way we will remember all the positive things we have and the importance they have.

Mastering our thoughts is a daily task that with a little effort we can make easier. 

Don’t hesitate to ask a professional for help

Finally, remember: to eliminate negative thoughts, in case you feel afflicted by them, the best thing to do is to contact a psychologist or a psychiatrist, for help and consultation regarding some strategies to deal with the matter. Professional treatment cannot be replaced by these tips, although they may prove to be a useful complement.

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