LASIK Laser Refractive Surgery: Pros And Cons

A viable option for eliminating glasses or contact lenses is LASIK laser refractive surgery. However, not everyone is a good candidate for this surgery.
LASIK laser refractive surgery: pros and cons

Visual disturbances are a group of changes in the refractive media of the eyeball. In most cases, glasses or contact lenses are used to treat these conditions. Another option, however, is LASIK laser refractive surgery of which we present the pros and cons.

The refractive means of the eye, that is the lens and the cornea, work to correctly reflect the rays of light on the retina in normal sighted subjects. However, in people with nearsightedness, farsightedness and astigmatism, the cornea deflects light incorrectly.

Laser refractive surgery LASIK, or laser keratomileusis in situ, is a surgical procedure that offers excellent results in correcting refractive changes. It is also an excellent alternative to lenses.

Who Might Need Laser Refractive Surgery?

LASIK surgery is currently a secondary and long-term treatment for light refractive dysfunctions on the retina. Individuals with the following vision disorders may benefit from this procedure:

  • Myopia.
  • Hyperopia.
  • Astigmatism.

The surgery is usually recommended by the specialist doctor after evaluating the condition and characteristics of the eyeball. However, LASIK laser refractive surgery is not suitable for everyone.

The American Academy of Ophthalmology actually establishes the following requirements for the selection of candidates:

  • Patient aged 18 or over, ideally over 21 years of age.
  • Stable ocular refraction over the past 12 months.
  • Refractive error that can be corrected with LASIK.
  • Healthy, thick cornea with correctable visual acuity greater than 6/18.

Likewise, it is essential that the patient does not have any ocular and systemic conditions that could make the procedure difficult or that could compromise long-term health, such as cataracts, keratoconus, keratitis or advanced glaucoma.

Finally, a research study includes contraindications to include a history of strabismus or amblyopia.

Short-sighted woman.
The criteria for being able to undergo the intervention are specific, as it cannot be performed on those who request it only for personal reasons.

How to prepare for the procedure?

LASIK laser refractive surgery is an outpatient surgery that typically lasts from 15 to 30 minutes. However, it is still an invasive surgery, so it shouldn’t be taken lightly.

Among the recommendations to be taken into consideration before undergoing this surgery we recall the following:

  • Evaluate expectations: it is essential to talk to the ophthalmologist and clarify what results will be obtained. Most patients will need to continue to wear glasses for reading or night driving after surgery.
  • Be prepared for the cost: LASIK surgery is an outpatient and free choice surgery, so in most cases it will not be loanable. For this, one must be aware of the costs.
  • Having a friend or family member as a companion: at the end of the surgery, you may not have fully recovered your sight. For this, the ideal is to have someone to accompany you and take you home after the surgery.
  • Do not apply beauty products: on the day of the surgery, no makeup, creams or lotions should be applied to the area around the eyes. The ophthalmologist, in fact, could suggest a routine for cleaning the eyeball and surrounding areas to be carried out in the days preceding the surgery.
  • Keep Calm: Anxiety is inevitable. However, you should clear your mind of troubling thoughts and focus on the long-term benefits the surgery will offer.

How is laser refractive surgery performed?

The procedure can be done in a specialist doctor’s office or surgery center. First, the ophthalmologist must examine the eyeball in detail to evaluate the refractive elements and establish the procedure to be followed.

Once at the center, the specialist will explain the procedure and lead you to the operating room. Here you will be asked to lie down in a reclining chair and look up. The doctor may consider giving an analgesic or anesthetic if the patient is very nervous.

To begin, the doctor will apply anesthetic eye drops into the eyeball, which will reduce the discomfort during the surgery. Then, the specialist will place a speculum and a small suction ring that will hold the eye in place and prevent blinking.

With a small laser or microkeratome, the surgeon will incise the cornea and create a flap. Next, he will fold the small flap to access the eye structures to be repaired.

The specialist will reshape parts of the cornea with a previously programmed laser. When finished, it will reposition the flap of tissue removed earlier. This will adhere on its own in seconds, and heal without the need for stitches.

During the procedure, the patient will be asked to fix his eyes on a bright spot, in order to avoid moving them as much as possible. Similarly, a slight odor may be felt at the beginning of corneal remodeling, which most patients refer to as burnt hair.

The procedure is performed individually on each eyeball. If both eyes need to be operated on, your doctor will usually schedule them on the same day.

Post-operative recovery

At the end of the LASIK laser refractive surgery, the patient often experiences discomfort such as burning, dryness or itching in the eye. For this, the specialist will prescribe eye drops to lubricate the eye and reduce symptoms.

Your doctor will typically place an eye shell or request that you wear it while you sleep to aid in healing. It is also advisable to relax and rest immediately after the surgery.

Vision recovery and stabilization will occur gradually, ie over 2 to 3 months. During this time, the doctor will schedule several check-ups.

It is important to wait a couple of weeks before returning to normal daily activities, especially if you are involved in extreme sports or swimming. The application of cosmetics around the eyes should be postponed as much as possible.

Advantages of laser refractive surgery

The main advantage of this procedure lies in the ability to carry out all daily activities without having to wear prescription glasses or contact lenses. After the surgery, in fact, 90% of people reach a vision of 20/20 and 20/40 without glasses.

It is a very effective procedure that has demonstrated a rapid postoperative recovery, superior to other interventions of the same nature. Furthermore, it is associated with a low number of complications, such as clouding or cataracts.

Positive results are inversely proportional to the degree of initial ocular dysfunction. Therefore, the lower the initial refractory damage, the more favorable the prognosis will be.

Laser eye surgery.
Laser surgery is quite effective. In fact, it is estimated that up to 90% of patients experience a marked improvement.

Possible risks and disadvantages

Like any other surgery, LASIK laser refractive surgery also has possible complications.

Most conditions are temporary and usually go away within a few weeks or months. Among the most frequent secondary manifestations associated with LASIK we remember:

  • Ache.
  • Dry eyes.
  • Blurred vision.
  • Burning or itchy eyes.
  • Discomfort or sensitivity when looking directly into the light.
  • Halos around the lights.
  • Redness of the eyes.
  • Eye infections.

In some individuals, surgery caused worse visual outcomes than preoperative, even with corrective lenses.

Likewise, it is not excluded that the procedure may cause, in very rare cases, loss of vision and permanent alterations of the visual field.

A procedure of free choice, but not for everyone

LASIK laser refractive surgery is one of the procedures with the highest success rate in correcting refractive disorders. However, it is crucial to weigh the pros and cons.

If wearing glasses doesn’t bother you, there’s no reason to undergo refractive surgery. It is important to consult your doctor who will be able to clarify the doubts and present the options that best suit the individual case.

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