How To Take Care Of The Kidneys And Bladder

Every three days you will need to rest your kidneys, no matter what foods irritate them. For this, you will have to increase the consumption of raw vegetables and vegetable juices.
How to take care of the kidneys and bladder

It is important to take care of the kidneys and bladder. They are fundamental organs of our body, not only essential for the urinary system, but also for the lymphatic system, working together with the liver to eliminate toxins from the body and to eliminate waste products that are found in the cells.

When it comes to toxins, our vulnerability to these external and internal elements must be taken into consideration.

The bloodstream can be invaded by these elements produced not only by toxins from food, pesticides and even environmental pollution, but also by stress, situations in which anxiety, for example, increases these negative substances in our body.

The kidneys and liver are essential to win this battle against impurities, as is the bladder, the vessel through which urine is expelled, which must always be in good condition and which must always be protected to avoid common infections. In this article, we explain how to take care of your kidneys and bladder.

More common kidney and bladder problems

  • Bladder control problems: incontinence or deficit in retention
  • Infections
  • Difficulty filtering blood properly
  • Changes in the bladder wall that no longer holds as much urine as it used to
  • Blockage of the urethra

When to see a doctor?

  • Faced with any signs of urinary infection
  • If you have fever, chills, vomiting and great tiredness
  • When you have an urge, I keep urinating
  • When you experience pain when urinating

Tips for taking care of the kidneys and bladder

Paying attention to nutrition is essential to keep the kidneys and bladder in good condition; for this reason, here are some guidelines to follow and apply to your eating habits.

Clean the kidneys and bladder every three days

By resting your kidneys every three days, you can extend their life and function, while also protecting the health of the bladder. You can do this in a very simple way by excluding the following foods from your diet every three days:

  • coffee
  • alcohol
  • sugary and carbonated drinks
  • high protein foods
  • salt

These substances are very irritating and cause the kidneys to work twice as much as normal.

Adequate natural juices

  • Cranberry juice : has an antioxidant power and protects the urinary tract, avoiding infections, preventing the engraftment of bacteria on the walls of the bladder and purifying the body. It therefore represents an essential food for our organs and it is essential to consume it daily.
  • Carrot juice : in addition to being very tasty and refreshing, it is ideal for cleaning the blood and facilitating the work of the kidneys.
carrot juice for kidney and bladder care
  • Grape juice : it is a wonderful source of mineral salts that helps eliminate uric acid and promotes the regularization of the heart rhythm.

Vegetables suitable for kidney and bladder

celery cut into pieces

We must remember an important fact: eating raw fruit and vegetables is essential, because these bring live enzymes that are lost when cooking, essential for the body’s cleansing process. This is why we advise you to eat them raw, always if possible. Below we present the suitable vegetables to take care of the kidneys and bladder:

  • asparagus. They have diuretic properties that stimulate the functioning of the kidneys, eliminating toxins and stimulating diuresis.
  • spinach. Rich in minerals, they detoxify and help cleanse the kidneys.
  • celery. Perfect for salads and even for infusions, it is diuretic and rich in mineral salts.
  • beetroot. It is an excellent kidney detoxifier.
  • cannellini beans. They are great for the kidneys.

Herbs for kidneys and bladder

  • Nettle and dandelion : they are diuretic, clean the kidneys and eliminate uric acid.
  • Parsley : No matter if raw or in the form of an infusion, it is an excellent herb for cleaning the kidneys. To do this you simply have to boil a bunch of parsley for ten minutes in two liters of water, and after letting it rest, filter it and put it in the refrigerator.

Try to drink it in five days and then stop consuming it for a week. This will ensure that the kidneys are cleaned and that all traces of salt are eliminated from the inside.

You must always think that nutrition is very important to take care of the kidneys and bladder: you must avoid foods with a high fat content, salt, alcohol and sweets. All of this prevents the kidneys from filtering and cleaning the blood properly, leading to kidney stones and heart problems.

If taking care of our health to have a good quality of life is up to us, it would not be wrong to pay particular attention to our diet and include some of the foods we have proposed to you.

If you then add regular daily physical activity and a right attitude towards your everyday life, more relaxed and avoiding stressful situations, you will realize that your body will respond positively. It’s definitely worth it.

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