How To Simplify The House With A Minimalist Style

The minimalist style is neither monotonous nor boring. On the contrary, it offers simplicity, elegance, functionality and order. Take note of these tips and you will get a minimalist style in your home.
How to simplify the house with a minimalist style

In our homes there are many objects that we do not know how to arrange and that prevent us from preserving order. Thus, the rooms end up being a chaotic agglomeration of objects scattered everywhere. The opposite of this condition is the minimalist style.

This style, in fact, tries to decorate with as few elements as possible. In this way, the decoration gains in functionality, space and order.

Its purpose is to eliminate all saturation, so that the ideal (also in relation to the furniture) are only the basic elements.

For this reason, in the minimalist style , space and architectural elements are mainly emphasized.

Simplify spaces with minimalist style

1. Select the objects

Select and keep only the essential items. Are you sure that all those present in your homes are indispensable? We often tend to accumulate odds and ends: choose those to keep and give away those you don’t need.

In this sense, following the premises of the minimalist style, we must ask ourselves why we want to keep a certain object. In fact, in this style everything must have a functionality. So that, you shouldn’t be too lenient or sentimental about objects. Less is more.

2. One thing goes in and another goes out

Living room with white walls
The minimalist furniture takes care of the light offering the feeling of greater space.

If we think about it, it is the only way to keep the minimalist style and not end up accumulating useless objects again. This way, when we buy something new, we will have to replace it with something we already had at home.

For this reason, when we buy or get something new for the house, we will have to decide whether to include it in the decoration or furniture or, on the contrary, if it is better not to use it.

3. Minimalist style: don’t put anything on the tables

Another way to simplify your home for a minimalist style is to keep table surfaces uncluttered. In fact, we often tend to overburden with flowers, ornaments, tablecloths, etc. According to this style, we must keep them free for a greater sense of simplicity, functionality and order.

4. Simple geometric shapes

When it comes to choosing furniture and decorative items, it is best to always opt for simple shapes and straight lines. Therefore, let’s forget about the multifaceted furniture with abundant angles or that is too decorated.

5. Minimalism even in the walls

Wall with paintings
The walls should not be burdened with too many small and poor quality elements.

The minimalist style doesn’t just come down to furniture and ornaments. On the contrary, it must also be respected when it comes to the walls. For this reason, we must avoid overloading them with many paintings, especially on furniture.

It is possible to include some paintings, although they should be simple and conform to the rest of the decoration, without weighing too much.

On the other hand, you can choose to use mirrors to decorate the walls. They will give the space greater depth.

6. Minimalist style: the importance of lighting

One of the most important elements in decoration is lighting.

For this reason, the minimalist style avoids shadows and dark spaces and favors environments with a lot of light. The more the better.

Heavy, opaque curtains that do not let outside light filter in should be avoided. It is better to use curtains that can diffuse light.

Furthermore, it is essential to study a room before choosing the points of light to insert. The goal is to avoid placing unnecessary light bulbs in the room.

Therefore, by studying the environment well, we will be able to choose the right points where it is necessary to include a lamp and avoid the existence of useless systems.

7. Choose minimalist furniture

As the name suggests, this interior style favors understated furniture. However, that doesn’t mean they have to be flat or boring. On the contrary, we must choose furniture that is simple and, above all, elegant in their simplicity.

Since minimalism also applies to furniture, it is better to choose furniture with different functionalities. In this way, we will be able to accumulate less at home. In addition, it is much better to opt for low and wide furniture, discarding the idea of ​​huge and high furniture, which takes up too much space.

8. Black and white, with a touch of color

Living room with minimalist decoration
In monochromatic spaces, you can insert some colored elements that attract attention.

The colors that reign in the minimalist style are black and white. In particular, white is able to give the feeling of more space, which is why it predominates in this style.

Black, on the other hand, offers the ideal contrast for superior simplicity and elegance.

However, shades of color are also needed. In fact, it is much better that they are given by objects.

While the walls and furniture can be mostly black and white, a plant with large green leaves can give the perfect touch, as can other elements that bring a different color.

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