How Long Does Coronavirus Survive On Surfaces?

There are no conclusive data on Coronavirus survival on surfaces. The information currently available suggests a period of between three hours and nine days.
How long does Coronavirus survive on surfaces?

Scientists are working hard to fully understand the SARS-CoV-2 virus, also known as Coronavirus 2019. However, there are still no certainties regarding many aspects. For example, it is not yet clear how long the Coronavirus survives on different surfaces.

The issue is of no small importance, as it is directly linked to the spread of the disease. We specify that, according to scientific evidence, the simple fact of touching an object contaminated by the virus does not automatically translate into contagion, but it increases the risk.

For example, if you touch a surface contaminated with Coronavirus, it can remain on your hand. And if you touch your face with the latter, especially the eyes, nose or mouth, you allow the virus to enter the body. Hence the importance of disinfecting surfaces and washing hands frequently. But how long does the Coronavirus survive on surfaces? We talk about it in the next few lines.

How long does Coronavirus survive on surfaces?

There are no clear data regarding Coronavirus survival on surfaces. The World Health Organization (WHO), in fact, declared that “it is not known for sure how long SARS-CoV-2 will survive on objects”.

However, based on the behavior of other viruses, it is believed that Coronavirus can survive for a relatively long time on different surfaces. This will also depend on environmental conditions, such as temperature and humidity.

There are several viruses that have survival rates that vary between a few hours and several days depending on the surface on which they are found. Coronavirus does not seem to be an exception and, therefore, due precautions must be taken to avoid contagion.

Coronavirus on surfaces
The disinfection of everyday objects aims to reduce the contagion from COVID-19

Scientific studies on the subject

Research published in the Journal of Hospital Infection analyzed the information available on the behavior of other coronaviruses such as SARS and MERS. Based on this, it emerged that SARS-CoV-2 could survive between a few hours and several days, depending on the type of surface and environmental conditions.

According to this research, on the surfaces of metal, glass and plastic, the virus could survive for four to five days. However, under favorable conditions in terms of temperature and humidity, it could survive for up to nine days.

Another study published in the New England Journal of Medicine and conducted by scientists from a US federal laboratory indicates that Coronavirus survival on surfaces varies between four hours on copper, up to three days on plastic and stainless steel. On the cardboard, however, it can survive up to 24 hours.

How long does the Coronavirus survive in the open air?

Coronavirus pandemic
The question of survival of the virus in the open air is of crucial importance, as isolation measures are taken to avoid human-to-human transmission.

In the following pre-published report, there is a recent and relatively worrying figure. However, this is a draft, which could be corrected or changed. Simply put, it warns us that the information is still being processed.

Data in the draft suggests that the virus remains in the air for up to three hours after aerosolization. In medicine, an infectious organism is said to be in an aerosol when the particles, or tiny drops of liquid that contain the virus, remain suspended in the air.

The previously cited New England Journal of Medicine study also reports that information. Confirming the detected viral activity in the air three hours after aerosolization.

The good news about Coronavirus survival on surfaces

Faced with such an invasive prospect, the good news is that the virus can be easily eliminated with simple cleaning measures. It is advisable to frequently clean surfaces in common use with alcohol or a disinfectant that contains it. Alternatively, a solution of two tablespoons of chlorine dissolved in half a liter of water is equally effective.

It is advisable to carry out this type of cleaning every two or three hours in public or work places. It is equally important to avoid touching surfaces or high-contact objects in public places, such as railings, elevator buttons or doorknobs. In this sense, a disposable handkerchief can be used to protect the hands.

The most important recommendation is to wash your hands often. As well as avoid touching your face. It is equally important to cover your mouth or nose with a tissue or the crook of your elbow when coughing or sneezing.

As for your home, it is sufficient to carry out daily cleaning. If the inhabitants come and go frequently, it will be advisable to frequently disinfect the handles, switches and common areas. Purchases will be handled with a paper towel and then disinfected. In such cases, it is always best to take all precautions.

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