Heel Spine: Causes And Treatment

To relieve the pain caused by the heel spur, it is necessary to wear comfortable shoes and perform exercises that help relax the foot.
Heel spine: causes and treatment

The plug  heel or spur is caused by a process of calcification in the heel.  It is very painful and makes moving the joint in the foot tiring.

It can be favored by poor posture, by the use of uncomfortable shoes or by anything that leads to altering this area of ​​the foot. Today we talk about the heel spur, its causes and treatments.

What you need to know about the heel spur

woman's feet

The main characteristic of the heel spur is the sensation of pain that is felt when the inflammation of the heel  becomes worse. In this case, plantar fasciitis can arise and the discomfort extends to the rest of the foot and toes.

A normal x-ray is sufficient to diagnose a spur, although it is often visible to the naked eye, since it is a small bump caused by a buildup of calcium.

Factors that can trigger this disease include repetitive execution of certain movements or the habit of wearing high-heeled shoes every day. It is also linked to overweight, flat or very arched feet, and inflammation of the Achilles tendon.

The continuous and excessive stretching of the plantar fascia (tissue that covers the muscles of the foot) is at the basis of the pain and the onset of this disease, which makes it painful to put the heel on and a prolonged stay on your feet almost impossible.

The formation of the spur represents a reaction of the body, which tries to repair the lesion produced by transporting calcium through the blood. If the amount of calcium that accumulates becomes excessive, the heel spur is produced.

By itself, the heel spur is asymptomatic. What causes the pain is plantar fasciitis in the inner part of the heel, but also in any of the five metatarsal bones, ie at the level of the toes.

The painful sensation is comparable to pinpricks, which vanish when the foot is at rest.

How to prevent and treat heel spurs

foot x-ray

To avoid the formation of the heel spur, it is first of all necessary to prevent the appearance of plantar fasciitis.

The orthopedist, following a foot analysis, can recommend the use of custom-made insoles; in this way, overloading of the heel is avoided, the movement of the foot is rebalanced and its support is optimized.

It is important to point out that spurs do not heal overnight. The healing process takes its time and it is vital to be consistent. Some effective treatments for reducing pain and inflammation are the ones we point out below.

Ice application

Apply ice to the heel area for a quarter of an hour, at least twice a day. You can rub a couple of ice cubes or apply an ice pack to leave in the freezer.

Another solution is to roll your foot over a frozen bottle or can.

Rest, essential to relieve pain due to the heel spur

It is important that the foot is not constantly under tension. Try to lift it for a few moments throughout the day and place a pillow under your heels at night. In this way the pressure exerted during the day will be relieved and you will be able to rest  better.

It will also be necessary to make some small changes in daily activities. For example, if you play sports, avoid sports that exert excessive pressure or impact on this area of ​​the foot.

Better to opt for lighter sports activities, such as swimming, cycling or just walking.

Night tutor

This kind of tablet is prescribed by the doctor and can be purchased in orthopedic stores. Helps keep the plantar fascia stretched during sleep. Its “L” shape keeps the foot in an ideal position.

In case of severe pain, it can also be used during the day.

Exercise to relieve ailments related to the heel spur

exercises for heel spurs

It is true that physical activity is not always a good ally when suffering from heel spurs or heel pain. However, some exercises can be very helpful in reducing symptoms and strengthening this area of ​​the foot.

  • Calf stretch. Stand up facing the wall and place your hands on it. Put one foot after the other. The knee of the front leg is slightly bent. Push your body towards the wall and hold this position for ten seconds. You will feel the calves stretch. Repeat about twenty times, alternating legs.
  • Stretching of the plantar fascia. Always to be done in the morning, before getting out of bed. Cross your foot over the knee of the other leg. Grab your toes and gently push them towards you. Maintain the position for about ten seconds, then return to the starting position. Repeat twenty times, then switch feet.

Shoes that can cause heel spurs

heels cause heel spurs

First, it is important that the shoes are comfortable and in your size. A good time to buy them is in the late afternoon or after work, when your feet are at their most swollen.

To try them on, wear a pair of socks similar to the ones you usually use. Take a few steps in the shop, make sure that the toes have some movement and that there are no parts in the shoe that annoy, touch or squeeze the foot too much.

Try to wear heels only if necessary. If you are forced to go to the office with such a shoe, you can put them in a bag and put them on before going to work. When you are on the move or on your lunch break, replace them with a more comfortable pair of shoes.

If you have already been diagnosed with a heel spur, ask your doctor if you should use any orthopedic aids, for example, heel insoles, custom-made insoles, orthopedic pads or other.

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