Heart Attack In Women: Differences With Men?

Heart attack is a disorder due to a lack of blood supply in the coronary arteries, which are responsible for delivering oxygen to the myocardium.
Heart attack in women: differences with men?

We can all have a heart attack even though many do not know it. It is, in fact, one of the most frequent causes of sudden death. In this article we see the differences between heart attacks in women and men.

What is heart attack?

Also known as cardiac arrest, myocardial infarction is a  disease in which the heart muscle is compromised.  In short, a heart attack is the result of a malfunction of said muscle, a condition that causes various risks; among these, death.

This problem  occurs when the heart or coronary region does not receive the sufficient amount of  oxygenated blood usually due to arterial obstructions.

Heart muscle tissue death occurs when oxygen is depleted in said area due to a lack of  blood circulation.

Why does heart attack occur?

Woman with hand on chest for heart attack

As mentioned, the main cause of myocardial infarction is arterial obstruction in the coronary region of the heart. It should be mentioned that the normal function of the main organ related to the cardiac system depends on the blood circulation; without it, problems begin to  emerge, including heart attack.

This arterial obstruction  can occur for several reasons; the most relevant are:

  • Excessive coronary effort
  • Blood clots in the arteries
  • Coronary thrombosis
  • Atherosclerosis
  • Cholesterol
  • Diabetes
  • Hypertension

How to recognize a heart attack?

Heart attack is commonly accompanied by the following symptoms:

  • Sweating
  • Difficulty in breathing
  • Chest pain
  • Disorders in arms and shoulders (especially in the left side)

Heart attack in women and men

Heart attack is a problem for all people; however, there are differences between the two genders. Although it may seem strange, there is talk of a heart attack in women and affects women of any age. But how are the two types of heart attack distinguished? To be able to recognize them, you need to pay attention to certain indicators. Let’s see them.

Fatigue with no apparent cause

Unexplained tiredness or exhaustion can be associated with various health problems or illnesses; the most common are stress and anxiety. However,  this symptom may be due to heart or circulatory failure.

It is the consequence of the partial obstruction of the coronary arteries that reduces the blood supply to the heart, causing various problems.


Nervous anxiety

This symptom largely resembles the one already mentioned. When you suffer from anxiety, don’t let time pass,  especially when it is accompanied by pain similar to a puncture in the chest.

It must be remembered that anxiety or stress favor the onset of a heart attack; therefore, you need to be alert .

Pain in the neck and arms

Pain in these areas of the body can be associated with a build-up of stress, fatigue or poor posture. In fact, women with insufficient  cardiovascular system usually present this symptomatological picture.

The ideal is not to neglect these pains which can gradually compromise the heart muscle. Although  men can also  have these symptoms in the moments leading up to a heart attack, in women it is a more lasting and common symptom.

Respiratory problems

Woman with respiratory problems

Any  unusual symptoms related to the respiratory tract can indicate heart failure, particularly a heart attack in women.

Cough, choking sensation and itchy throat occur ; the  everything without outside framework of a viral or flu. According to health professionals, respiratory problems are very common in women who are at a higher risk of suffering from a myocardial infarction.

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