Foods That Make You Fat More: The 4 Worst

Many foods that we consider healthy can make our weight loss efforts in vain. Let’s get to know them and limit their consumption.
Foods that make you fat more: the 4 worst

What are the foods that make you fat the most?

How healthy do you consider your diet? To what extent is it helping you reach your goal of losing weight and staying fit? Today we are going to tell you about some foods that you may not even suspect are making you fat.

You probably consume them every day without knowing that they know canceling your weight loss efforts. To prevent this from happening, you need to be aware of the quality and quantity of what you eat. Read this article to find out which foods you should try to avoid as much as possible.

1. Fruit juices

Foods that make you fat: fruit juices.

Are you among those who choose fruit juice because you think it is a healthier drink? Unfortunately, juices make you fat – the fact that they’re healthier, nice sodas doesn’t mean they don’t make you fat. And both industrially produced juices and natural ones do, even if the former are a little more harmful. The reason is due to the fact that commercial ones do not contain fiber and, consequently, induce a lower sense of satiety, as stated in a study published in 2017.

In this sense, a study conducted on postmenopausal women has shown that regular consumption of 100% natural fruit juices leads to weight gain. Data were collected on a sample of 49,106 women, taking into account factors such as body mass index, age, lifestyle and dietary changes.

The reason for this weight gain is explained by the fact that fruit juice provides more sugar than fiber.

  • To avoid these alterations, it is advisable to also reduce the consumption of natural juices. When you feel like refreshing yourself with something sweet, it’s best to eat some fruit.
  • If you want a sweet drink, mix the fruit juice with water, without adding sweeteners. This reduces the impact of the natural sugars provided by any fruit.

2. Red meat and sausages

Red meats and sausages are part of the list of the 4 foods that make you fat the most. While it’s true that they are rich sources of protein, they also provide trans fats, which result from cooking processes at high temperatures. These fats cause several problems.

Red meat burger.

First of all, they can increase the level of cholesterol in the blood, thus encouraging the risk of cardiovascular disease. Additionally, the fats provided by these foods can build up quickly in certain parts of the body, such as the abdomen and legs.

Especially fried preparations should be avoided. If you want to eat these types of meat, prefer grilling, baking or any other method that avoids adding other fats.

3. Processed cereals

Processed grains are another of the foods that make you fat. Even though we consume them thinking they are very healthy, they actually pose a hindrance if our goal is to lose weight.

Processed grains often contain large amounts of sugars, sweeteners, and fats. Consuming refined sugar seriously hampers weight loss, according to a study published in  The American Journal of Clinical Nutrition .

The best choice, therefore, is to move towards natural grains, such as oats, quinoa or wheat bran. You can accompany them with fruit, dried fruit or honey, always paying attention to the quantities. For those who are gluten intolerant, buckwheat is an excellent source of fiber.

4. Light products

Foods that make you fat: light products.

Ironically and contrary to popular belief, light products are one of the foods that make you fat the most. In the supermarket there are often shelves with “normal” products and their light version.

We often tend to choose the latter, because, in theory, the name would seem to indicate that they are light. In most of them, however, the reduction of elements such as fats and sugars is compensated by the presence of sodium or sweeteners.

It is therefore better to consume normal products, in adequate quantities. If in doubt, consult a nutritionist: he will help you understand which foods to prioritize and in what quantities you should consume them.

Most likely, this will save you a certain amount of money. Remember, in fact, that light foods tend to be more expensive, because they require a more sophisticated processing procedure.

Limit the consumption of foods that make you fat

Now that you know that these foods also make you fat, one thing remains to be done: limit your consumption. As you can see, there are alternatives that allow you to avoid them. We advise you to do this for your health.

And you, which foods have you decided to give up? Which ones do you consume the most? Did you already know that fruit juices, red meat, sausages, processed cereals and light products make you fat?

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