Fat Burning Drinks: 12 Delicious Proposals

In addition to being useful for losing weight, as it reduces appetite, green tea can help you relax in stressful situations.
Fat burning drinks: 12 delicious proposals

Fat burning drinks are really effective . Their frequent consumption can allow you to lose a few extra pounds quickly and easily, as they are great for continuous and healthy fat burning.

In this article, we offer you 12 delicious and fantastic fat-burning drinks to add to your diet. Try them!

The 12 fat burning drinks:

Water and lemon

A good glass of water and lemon juice freshly prepared and drunk on an empty stomach is very effective in cleansing and detoxifying the liver.

Vegetable smoothie

Fruit at the market
(Image source: Davey Gonzalez)

The vegetable smoothie is one of the most recommended drinks for anyone looking to lose weight. A single glass of this preparation helps you to maintain a feeling of satiety for a long time, helping you to eat much less.

White tea

This type of tea is recommended for its purifying effects, as it helps eliminate the fat that can be deposited in certain areas of the body, particularly in the abdomen. In addition, white tea is very useful for preventing the accumulation of cholesterol in the blood.

Green tea

Green tea

Green tea is a drink very rich in antioxidants and also can reduce your appetite considerably, which is very important for those who want to lose weight: in this way, in fact, you can eat less without feeling like making sacrifices.

Green tea also helps reduce stress by keeping the user in a calmer and more relaxed state.

Ginger tea

Ginger tea helps to eliminate fats that have accumulated in the body in a natural and effective way ; in addition, it improves digestion and is very useful for preventing some respiratory diseases.

Skimmed milk

Skimmed milk

Skimmed milk has the ability to help eliminate fats found in the body. It is recommended to drink a glass of skim milk per day.

Kiwi, spinach and lettuce smoothie

To prepare this healthy smoothie you just need to blend half a kiwi with three spinach leaves and three lettuce. It is a drink very rich in antioxidants, vitamin C and chlorophyll.

It is great for cleansing the body and if you wish you can add a little honey, improving its flavor and adding even more properties.

Artichoke water


It can be prepared by cooking an artichoke in a liter of water and then drinking it throughout the day: in this way you will eliminate toxins and liver fat. We recommend that you continue this remedy for twenty days straight.

Grapefruit juice

Grapefruit juice is another fat burning drink. Just one glass a day of this juice will be enough to reach the goal of losing weight in a short time.

Papaya juice


Papaya is especially recommended for those who want to lose weight in a natural and effective way, as it contains papain, an enzyme that prevents fat from accumulating in the body. Consume the juice in abundance, prepared only with the addition of water.

Karkadè water

Karkadé water has diuretic properties, which is very important when following a weight loss diet. You can prepare it by cooking the flowers in a liter of water and drinking it throughout the day.

Coconut water

Consuming coconut can be of great help to your health

Coconut water has the ability to give the body much more effective hydration than any other drink; moreover, it speeds up the metabolism.

Remember …

The sodas and natural juices for weight loss are very simple to prepare and are almost always made with fruit and vegetables that you already have at home.

Take into account the properties of each of these and include them in your diet, remembering that it is important that they are accompanied by exercise and necessary changes in your lifestyle.

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