Family Relationships: 6 Mistakes That Can Destroy Them

We cannot forget that our parents and siblings are the only ones who are always by our side, no matter what happens. For this reason, we must learn to strengthen our relationship with them
Family Relationships: 6 Mistakes That Can Destroy Them

Your family unit must be the primary source of family relationships filled with love , understanding, approval, and support.

Unfortunately, there are many families in which relationships are disastrous. This can dissipate family unity and make various members feel uncomfortable.

To know what the reason is, the first thing to do is to understand the root of the problem. Afterwards, you can look for possible solutions.

Below we explain 6 factors that can destroy family relationships without us realizing it.

1. Insults and criticisms undermine family relationships

family relationships

Words carry weight, and even if it doesn’t seem like that, they can hurt a lot and mark people for life.

Your family should be your source of encouragement and support, but negative words hurt the core of family relationships. 

On occasion, following a heated discussion, things are said without thinking, things that others should ignore since it was just a moment of anger.

The problem is that they open up breaches in family relationships.

It is important to avoid these situations as they take a long time to remedy. It’s best to just say “if you don’t have anything nice to say, don’t say anything”.

If you have to say something, it is best to do it calmly and with the intent of being constructive and not attacking others.  

2. Talk

Gossiping, in any case, is very harmful. This is usually done when you are annoyed about something that has to do with the person being badly spoken of.

Maybe it makes us feel better temporarily, but it doesn’t solve the problem. On the contrary, it leads the person we have discredited to lose faith in us.

In such a situation, perhaps other family members take a stand on it and choose which side to take sides.

This only generates more division in family relationships. The best thing to do is to speak privately with the person you disagree with.

Talk calmly about the issues that generate tension,  reasons and possible solutions, so as to encourage reconciliation.

If you do it right, you can strengthen the relationship.

3. Lack of involvement

Involving members is essential for the unity of the family itself.

It is important to include each family member in the decisions, even knowing that they may refuse, because in this way they feel an important part of the family.

When a family member is isolated, the family member may begin to experience feelings of inferiority and resentment.

For example, if you plan a trip, an outing, an activity, anything, and invite all of your family members, it’s their decision to participate or not.

In family relationships it is important to help so that everyone feels important. 

After all, a family without its members is not a family.

4. Deception and lies


Deception is destructive in any relationship. Sometimes it can take years, even generations, to reveal a lie.

Keep in mind that the truth is revealed and always comes out in the sunlight.

If you can’t be honest with your family, then who? Lying or even hiding small things leads to the breakdown of family relationships, because trust fails.

The bigger the lie, the greater the damage. Remember that our actions affect  us and those around us.

For this reason, it is best to acknowledge your mistakes and work together with your family to correct them.

Being honest with your family shows the respect you have for them.

5. Don’t accept the differences 

You grow up under the rules imposed by your parents. Both you and your brothers will receive the same discipline and direction. This, however, does not mean that you are exact copies of each other.

Living under the same fabric does not mean sharing the same points of view, such as political or religious ones, for example.

You need to be able to accept the opinions, tastes and preferences of other family members.

If you decide to always have confrontations or conflicts because there are differences, then you will damage your family relationships.

Accepting people for who they are is one of the many forms of love.

6. Don’t forgive or ask for forgiveness


A sincere apology is the strongest glue in family relationships. No one is perfect and it is normal for there to be arguments in even the best of families.

Simple words like “I’m very sorry for…” can create stronger family bonds.

The message you send when you apologize is that you care about the person and that you don’t want negative feelings between you.  

It is important to remember that you need each other in the family.

Also, having a grudge only hurts. For this reason, it is important to learn to forgive and ask for forgiveness to strengthen family relationships.

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