Exercises To Avoid In Case Of Herniated Disc

Some exercises can worsen the symptoms of a herniated disc. Others, on the contrary, are useful. Which are best avoided? 
Exercises to avoid in case of a herniated disc

Those suffering from herniated discs can benefit from physical activity, but as this is a delicate condition, care must be taken. It is indeed important to know the exercises to avoid in case of a herniated disc, as they could increase pain.

A herniated disc is a major cause of low back pain. In the initial phase, it is advisable to rest; As the days go by, however, it becomes essential to reactivate the muscles.

This helps reduce pressure on the discs, maintain a healthy weight and strengthen the core. However, it should be borne in mind that not all exercises are suitable. Which ones should be avoided and for what reason?

What is a herniated disc?

The vertebrae of the spinal column are separated by cartilage discs which have the task of cushioning the blows and avoiding friction between the bones. They also act as ligaments and give flexibility and mobility. Each disc is made up of two parts, each of which has a specific function:

  • The nucleus pulposus, the central part that absorbs the pressure between the vertebrae.
  • The fibrous ring,  the outer part that limits rotation.

A herniated disc occurs when the nucleus pushes and expands outward due to a fracture in the fibrous ring. This can cause irritation or compression of a nearby nerve causing pain or tingling. Among the possible causes:

  • Aging wear.
  • Wrong movements or excessive physical exertion.
  • Trauma.
  • Overweight and obesity.
  • Work activity that involves intense physical effort.
  • Physical activity and sport.

Treatment usually involves pain relievers, rest, lifestyle changes, and exercises. In rare cases, surgery is used. It is also necessary to pay more attention to the back by avoiding, for example, performing certain movements and exercises.

Man bent over for back pain.
A herniated disc can occur as a result of trauma, excess physical activity, disc wear, and other factors.

Exercises to avoid in case of a herniated disc

The study published in the International Journal of Sports Physical Therapy considers exercises an important part of the herniated disc rehabilitation protocol. Gymnastics sessions must certainly be personalized, but some activities are not recommended for everyone.

1. Exercises with load

Exercises that overload on the vertical axis of the spine should be avoided. This occurs with squats, which are performed by squatting on the knees and often with a barbell on the shoulders.

Exercises in which the load must be carried upwards, such as the military press for the shoulders or slow forward, are also not recommended. In this exercise you grab the barbell with a prone grip, keeping your hands at shoulder height and lift it up by extending your elbows.

But why avoid them? To perform them you need to keep your back as straight as possible so that it can withstand the impact. For this reason they are not recommended for those suffering from herniated discs.

Alternative exercises

In order not to exert too much force on the lower back, front squats are recommended as an alternative. The weight of the barbell does not rest on the back of the back, but on the collarbone. Obviously it is best to avoid all weight-bearing squats as long as the injury has not improved.

On the other hand, those who want to develop more muscle mass can opt for the press. Also in this exercise the weight is supported by the legs, but the impact is less as long as you sit correctly, without lifting the buttocks during the push.

As an alternative to the military press, you can instead perform the rowing, with the torso tilted, resting one knee and one hand on the bench. This avoids overloading the injured part.

2. Abs

The sciatic nerve is often involved in disc herniation injuries in the lumbar region . This causes pain from the waist to the hips, buttocks and legs.

Most abdominal exercises force the lower spine to flex and create tension. This occurs both in exercises in which the torso is raised (upper abdominals) and in those in which the legs are raised (lower).

The abdominals are therefore exercises to be avoided, both with and without weight. Even those performed on machines are not recommended: they help to concentrate the effort to prevent wrong movements, but even these force you to bend the back.

Alternatives to abs

Planks are the best alternatives for strengthening the muscles in the abdominal area. They allow you to strengthen the abductors of the abdomen and keep the spine in a straight position. There are several types of planks. Those with less impact are:

  • Front plank : performed on the stomach, keeping the body in a horizontal position and supporting the weight with the forearms and toes.
  • Lateral plank : with the body in a lateral position, the pelvis is raised by leaning on the elbow. The position must be held for a few seconds.
Two girls perform exercises for the abdominals.
Care must be taken with the abs. Exercises that increase pressure on the lower back should be avoided.

3. Stretches, rotations and hyperextensions between exercises to avoid in case of herniated disc

Stretches, rotations, and spinal extensions are ideal before a strenuous training session. But when you suffer from herniated disc in the lumbar spine, care must be taken.

Exercises in which the knees are brought up to the chest or descending to touch the feet with straight legs can make the injury worse. This is because the position can create more tension and friction on the discs. People with herniated discs should not flex this area too much or load with weight.

Alternative stretching exercises

An alternative to avoid overloading the spine too much is to work lying down, for example with back stretches. This strengthens the spine, works on the muscles and reduces tension in the lower back.

The oblique crunch, which is performed while lying down, is ideal for stretching the leg muscles. It is performed on the back with the legs bent. The knees are lifted to the right and to the left, alternately.

Herniated disc: yes to physical activity, just avoid some exercises

Suffering from a herniated disc does not mean being forced into inactivity. On the contrary, physical activity is recommended, but care must be taken. There are two rules to remember: light weight and do not generate tension in the spine.

It is very important to avoid a sedentary lifestyle, which is usually counterproductive for this type of injury. Of course, it would be ideal to train with a physical therapist or personal trainer to avoid assuming bad postures. Finally, low-impact activities such as yoga, swimming or pilates can be carried out.

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