Eating Eggs: What Benefits Do You Get?

Thanks to their choline levels, eggs are essential in pregnancy or while breastfeeding. Eating eggs helps the development of the fetal nervous system and prevents birth defects.
Eating Eggs: What Benefits Do You Get?

“Is it bad to eat eggs every day?” This is one of the many questions we ask ourselves about the food we eat every day. Today, however, we will disprove this myth.

In the past it was recommended to  eat eggs a maximum of three times a week, and this because of their high cholesterol content, potentially harmful to our health.

However, it is now known that eggs are not harmful or cause any kind of problem to the body. Let’s see together why …

What are the benefits of eggs?

For many years the egg has been considered harmful to our health; this food was said to be one of the main causes of the increase in blood cholesterol.

These claims have recently been denied thanks to scientific research; it has been shown, in fact, that the egg does not alter cholesterol levels at all.

On the contrary, recent research affirms that a moderate consumption of eggs provides the body with a good amount of nutrients, necessary for our well-being.

What really raises blood cholesterol is the consumption of saturated fats (found in whole dairy products), fats from foods such as cheese, yogurt, milk, fatty meats and so-called trans fats.

The latter are found in most candies, cakes, biscuits, bundles and in general in all baked goods.

Myths: why isn’t eating eggs bad for you?

You should carefully read the labels on the packaging, which indicate ingredients such as margarines or hydrogenated vegetable oils .

Among the numerous studies carried out on eggs, it has been shown that eating one or two eggs a day does not affect the increase in cardiovascular disease at all.

In addition to containing an essential nutrient for cardiovascular and brain functioning called choline, eating eggs helps metabolize and reduce homocysteine. This aspect is fundamental,  because elevated homocysteine ​​levels are associated with an increase in cardiovascular disease.

Although recent scientific discoveries have shown the opposite, there are still people who are reluctant to believe in the benefits of eating eggs. Some still think it is harmful to health, steadfastly refusing to include them in their diet.

Egg is a great source of nutrients

Eat the eggs

A single egg provides 80 calories, contains proteins, choline, iron and zinc. Remember that most of these nutrients are found in the yolk.

The proteins contained in the egg are very important, as they provide the amino acids necessary for our body.  To give you an idea, a single egg provides about six grams of protein.

Among the main functions of proteins we remember that they contribute to the formation of muscle tissue, which are an essential component of cells, and which contribute to the immune system. In addition, proteins carry nutrients to the blood; finally, they are part of some enzymes, hormones and neurotransmitters.

In the yolk there are also two nutrients called lutein and zeaxanthin which belong to the carotenoid family. These are antioxidants that help prevent age-related eye damage, such as macular degeneration.

Some data on eggs

The consumption of eggs by pregnant or breastfeeding women is very important; in fact, thanks to their choline content, eggs favor the development of the fetal nervous system and help prevent birth problems.

A whole egg provides 125 milligrams of choline and an inducing woman needs 450 milligrams of choline per day, while a nursing mother needs 550 milligrams.

Conservation and conclusions

Eggs can be stored in the fridge for about five weeks. If you want to know if the eggs you eat are fresh, immerse them in a glass of water: if they float it means that they are not fresh; alternatively break them: if the yolk remains in the center they are fresh.

It is scientifically proven, therefore, that eating eggs is really good and does not harm our health at all, as it does not increase cholesterol levels. Experts also say that you can eat two eggs a day, every day.

Finally, the eggs -in addition to being nutritious and salutari- are delicious and can be prepared in many ways (scrambled, boiled, fried, the soft-boiled ) are always good in any way you kitchen.

Remember to include them in your daily diet!

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