Eat Bananas Every Day For 6 Good Reasons

While it doesn’t have a good reputation, bananas are low in calories and can be the perfect fruit for promoting weight loss
Eat bananas every day for 6 good reasons

Everyone loves to eat bananas. Their taste is pleasant, they satisfy us and they combine in an exceptional way with an infinite number of foods such as honey, cinnamon, oats, nuts, etc.

It is also the favorite fruit of sportsmen because  a single bite is enough to obtain energy and perfect nutritional elements to combat tiredness or a momentary weakness.

The truth, however, is that there are many people who avoid eating them or do it with fear, because they think that actually healthy food like banana can make them fat.

We must look at these data in an objective way: a banana a day, especially in the morning, does not hurt and will not make us fat.

The secret, as always, lies in the balance and in the awareness that eating healthy equals living better.

Eating bananas can help us do this. Today we give you 6 good reasons that will convince you to eat them all seven days of the week!

Why eat bananas

1. Banana: the most nutritious fruit

Banana is an incredibly nutritious fruit. For this reason, it  is also the most appropriate to consume for breakfast, since this meal represents the ideal time to take care of our diet and start the day with full energy.

Do you know how many nutrients a single banana contains?

  • A high amount of fiber and several antioxidants
  • Minerals (potassium, magnesium, copper, manganese)
  • Vitamins B6 and C
  • Carbohydrates
  • Proteins

It should also be remembered that bananas contain a large amount of water and very little fat.

2. Bananas regulate the blood sugar level

eat bananas

Bananas are rich in a substance called pectin, a soluble fiber that helps us regulate blood sugar levels after meals. In this way, the appetite is regulated and the stomach emptying process is slowed down.

If we choose less ripe bananas (without them being completely unripe), we regulate the glycemic index even more. In this way, we  avoid the much-feared glycemic spikes that, at times, other sweeter fruits can cause.

A note, however: if you have  diabetes, it is best to avoid the consumption of ripe bananas.

3. A banana a day improves digestion

Another fact that might interest you is that a medium-sized banana contains two types of fiber: pectin and starch. These two components wonderfully promote digestion.

  • Starch, for example, “escapes” the actual digestion to end up directly in the large intestine, where it turns into a food for good intestinal bacteria.
  • A strong and healthy intestinal flora is synonymous with health: we absorb nutrients better and avoid constipation.
  • On the other hand, pectin helps us to protect and take care of the health of the colon.

4. Yes, bananas also take care of the heart

eat bananas

Potassium is a fundamental mineral for heart health, especially for regulating and balancing blood pressure.

If we get used to eating a banana a day, we will keep under control the levels of potassium, an essential mineral for cardiovascular well-being.

It is good to keep this in mind!

5. Do you want to lose weight? Eat a banana every morning

Bananas have several characteristics that make them perfect allies for weight loss. Aren’t you convinced? Take a look at this data:

  • First of all, bananas contain very few calories.
  • They are filling and nutritious: just include them in your breakfast along with some protein, a handful of nuts and a cup of tea or coffee to feel full and energized throughout the morning.
  • They are also rich in fiber, which will take care of digestive health and avoid constipation.

Also, a curiosity is that weight loss diets very often include unripe bananas. Try taking them for ten days and see how they affect you.

6. If you exercise, always carry a banana with you

eat bananas

As we pointed out at the beginning, the banana is the perfect fruit for athletes. The reason? Its high content of minerals and easy-to-digest carbohydrates.

Another interesting fact is that eating bananas regularly can help reduce muscle cramps caused by physical activity. Indeed, even if you are not sporty, but usually suffer from nocturnal cramps, do not hesitate: end your dinner with a banana (not too ripe) and you will avoid them.

Bananas provide a high nutritional intake before, during and after exercise, especially if it is an endurance exercise.

So, if you go for a run or to the gym, remember to always take a banana with you!

Finally, we are aware that not everyone is okay with eating bananas every day. In the case of bananas, there are some people who struggle to digest them.

If you think eating one a day is too much for you, however, try to at least include it in your breakfast three times a week.

Your health will thank you!

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