Do You Get Stressed Too Often? Practice This Japanese Therapy To Relax

Do you get stressed out too often?  Practice this Japanese therapy to relax

Stress is a growing problem today. To regain your balance, you can resort to a simple Japanese therapy.

Stress has turned into a problem for many people, who suffer from this disorder as a result of multiple commitments at work and at home, for personal problems, illnesses etc. Stressed people often fail to perform their daily activities well and this causes other health problems, both emotionally and physically.

There are currently several ways to combat stress and prevent it from turning into a vital problem. It is very important to learn to control it from the beginning because, if you are not careful, it can turn into a chronic problem that will need to be treated more carefully, with medicines or therapies.

To prevent stress from getting the better of you, today we want to talk to you about a simple Japanese therapy that allows you to restore the body’s energy balance and relieve physical and emotional pain.

What does this Japanese therapy consist of?

To put this Japanese therapy into practice and fight stress, it is necessary to know that each finger of the hand represents a feeling or an attitude. You hold each finger with the opposite hand, apply pressure and work to eliminate the emotion you want to get rid of.

Before moving on to the next finger, you need to feel that you are working and feel the palpitations more rhythmic each time. For this, take into account the emotions that each of your fingers represents:

  • Thumb : Helps fight emotions such as worry and nervousness.
  • Index : Can help fight fear.
  • Medium : Helps to control anger, anger and indignation.
  • Ring finger : It is related to the emotions of sadness and depression. Help make decisions.
  • Little finger : Helps calm anxiety, increases positivism, and pushes back claims.

This very simple technique includes various concepts of traditional oriental medicine, but integrates them with simple methods so that any person can make them at home.

This Japanese therapy is truly extraordinary, as it allows people to find physical, mental and spiritual balance in the fingers of the hand. Its practice represents a form of self-knowledge, relaxation and harmonization between body and mind.

Other natural solutions to relieve stress

some herbal teas can be a good therapy against stress


In addition to this Japanese therapy for stress relief, there are other natural alternatives that can be very helpful in combating negative emotions.

  • Breathing : Various studies have shown that deep breathing decreases cortisol levels and releases tension and anxiety.
  • Aromatherapy : Aromatherapy is another excellent option for relaxing and eliminating negative emotions such as stress. Aromas such as lavender, marjoram, orange or chamomile, among many, have beneficial properties to combat stress and anxiety.
  • Drinking herbal teas : Consuming herbal teas is a great way to take advantage of the benefits of plants that help fight stress, depression and anxiety. Herbal teas with lavender, lemon balm, lemon verbena, linden, valerian, chamomile or passion flower are excellent in the treatment of stress, depression, anger, anxiety, insomnia and other negative emotions
  • Laugh : One of the best ways to deal with stress is to laugh. Various studies have shown that laughter decreases hormones and substances that cause stress, anxiety and other problems. Laughter has a mild analgesic effect, similar to that of aspirin, ideal for relieving pain and reducing the stress associated with fear.
  • Eye gymnastics : Stress attacks vision and can cause tension and very severe headaches to those who suffer from it every day. To avoid eye stress it is important to exercise your eyesight and relax it. In this case, do not stay too close to the computer and focus your gaze for 30 seconds on the same object, such as a painting, a tree or a plant. If you look away, redirect the view at the object in question. Afterwards, blink a couple of times. Repeat this exercise several times throughout the day.

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