Diet And Tips For Reducing Thighs

Combine a balanced and slimming diet with specific exercises to reduce thighs and cellulite.
Diet and tips for reducing thighs

The thighs are said to be the hardest part of the body to reduce, as diets usually focus on abdominal fat. Find out in this article which is the best diet to reduce thighs and say goodbye to leg fat.

Although it is known that physical activity is one of the most effective techniques for losing weight, nutrition is the second pillar that allows us to obtain good results. Combine good habits to shrink your thighs and achieve the results you want.

In the case of women, an accumulation of fat in the area of ​​the hips, legs and buttocks is common. This fat is particularly difficult to get rid of.

Playing sports, in general, will serve to reduce the fat present in the arms, abdomen or back, highlighting the lower parts with a greater perimeter than we would like.

In addition to exercise, therefore, to reduce the thighs you must follow a balanced and targeted diet. Also, don’t forget to drink two liters of water a day in winter and up to three during the summer months, regardless of whether you are thirsty or not.

The liquids will help you reduce your thighs, fighting water retention, helping to dissolve fat and cellulite, which mainly affects this area of ​​the body.

Reduce the thighs

What foods to eat to shrink thighs and hips?

A change in your diet can mean better results, but be warned: you don’t have to stop eating because it’s unhealthy and counterproductive.

There are no foods with magical powers to shrink thighs, hips, or legs. However, choosing the most suitable ones will allow you to reduce the consumption of calories and have the body you always want.

1. Choose foods that are capable of burning fat

Green tea, garlic, grapefruit, ginger, chilli and soy help to activate your metabolism and can help you if you want to lose weight. However, as mentioned, they are not miraculous.

2. Reduce your calorie intake

If there were any foods that would eliminate fat overnight, we wouldn’t hesitate to try them. Unfortunately, they don’t exist.

It is therefore advisable to reduce the daily intake of calories by eating more raw fruit and vegetables, in order to get satisfied and receive nutrients and water without too much fat.

Fruits and vegetables

3. Plan your diet

A good, healthy and balanced diet may be what you need to reduce the extra inches of this conflicting area like the thighs and hips.

So try to plan your meals, eat a greater variety of foods, put aside fats, refined flours and sugars. 

Example of a diet to lose weight on the thighs

This complete meal plan must be supported by physical activity to be carried out at least two or three times a week, focused on the area we want to lose weight.

Squat, step, bike, jump rope, run or walk are the best exercises for this purpose. However, remember that the following is just an example, a set of tips to modify and adapt according to your age, weight, physical activity, etc.

  • Monday

Have breakfast with a tea with lemon, a glass of freshly squeezed orange juice and a slice of wholemeal bread with dietary jam.

In the middle of the morning, eat a fruit (for example a pear). For lunch, a portion of lentils with a grilled chicken breast, a slice of wholemeal bread and a banana.

For a snack, a cup of skim milk or a coffee. Finally, for dinner, a portion of baked potatoes with 200 grams of baked cod.

  • Tuesday

For breakfast, a cup of skim milk, a freshly squeezed orange juice and a slice of wholemeal bread with skim cream cheese.

In the middle of the morning, an apple. Have lunch with a vegetable and rice soup, tuna, a slice of wholemeal bread and an orange.

For a snack, a cup of skim milk. For dinner, a portion of seafood with wholemeal bread.

Diet to reduce thighs
  • Wednesday

Have breakfast with a cup of skimmed milk with cereals, no added sugar, and a freshly squeezed orange juice.

In the middle of the morning, eat an apple or a pear. For lunch, a portion of pasta, a grilled hamburger and tomatoes with olive oil, a slice of wholemeal bread and a plum.

In the afternoon, a low-fat yogurt. Dine on vegetable soup with rice and low-fat yogurt.

  • Thursday

For breakfast, a cup of skim milk, orange juice and diet biscuits.

In the middle of the morning, a pear. For lunch, a portion of baked squid and rice, a slice of wholemeal bread and a kiwi.

In the afternoon, a low-fat yogurt. For dinner, a rice salad with turbot and a low-fat yogurt.

Mediterranean diet
  • Friday

Have breakfast with a cup of skim milk with cereal and a freshly squeezed orange juice.

An apple in the middle of the morning. Have lunch with a small portion of pasta, ham, a slice of black bread and a kiwi.

In the afternoon, an orange and at dinner a portion of mashed potatoes and an omelette, peach yogurt.

  • Saturday

For breakfast, a cup of skimmed milk, an orange juice and a slice of wholemeal bread with spreadable light cheese.

In the middle of the morning, an apple. For lunch, a chicken breast and tomato salad, a slice of wholemeal bread and a mandarin orange.

Mid-afternoon, a low-fat yogurt. For dinner, a vegetable soup and cod, wholemeal bread and, finally, pineapple.

  • Sunday

Repeat any of the days of the diet. You can afford a different meal for lunch (a portion of what you want to eat).

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