Coronavirus Propagation And Favorable Conditions

A group of researchers led by Doctor Akiko Iwasaki has discovered that some environments favor the spread of the Coronavirus. Specifically, it is cold and dry air, which gives rise to favorable conditions for contagion and which lower the body’s ability to react.
Coronavirus propagation and favorable conditions

A recent study conducted in the United States has identified some conditions that could favor the spread of the Coronavirus. Contrary to what has been hypothesized in recent weeks, a crucial factor for the contagion is not the climate, but the humidity.

Once we have verified that humidity is indeed a major factor in the spread of the epidemic, we could expect a major reduction in the number of cases in the northern hemisphere as spring arrives. However, the seasons will not be enough on their own.

According to the study in question, the crucial factor is to be traced inside the homes, since some environments favor the spread of Coronavirus, while others discourage it. The indications are to increase the humidity inside homes and buildings, as a means of reducing infections.

The environments that favor the propagation of the Coronavirus

Virus propagation
Several studies are currently underway on the relationship between environmental conditions and the spread of the virus.

A recent study conducted by Yale University concluded that some environments favor the spread of the Coronavirus. Specifically, environments with a prevalence of dry cold would seem ideal for the spread of contagion. On the other hand, hot and humid environments could slow down the spread.

While there are still many question marks to answer, it is clear to most scientists that the cold, dry winter air favors the spread of SARS-CoV-2, the virus responsible for COVID-19 . This context favors a more rapid spread of the infection among people.

Immunobiologist Akiko Iwasaki, director of the study, pointed out that it has been known since ancient times that respiratory diseases worsen in winter and improve with the arrival of spring and winter. Today we know that all this depends above all on the fact that cold and dry air favors the spread of viruses.

External humidity and internal humidity

Yale scientists have reported that when the outside air is cold and dry, the inside of homes warms up. This results in a reduction of about 20% of the humidity in the house or inside a building. In these conditions the environment favors the propagation of the Coronavirus.

On the other hand, these hot and dry environments are not good for the respiratory tract as the activity of the respiratory tract is compromised. Recall that cilia are like small hairs that line the respiratory tract and help expel viral particles.

As if that weren’t enough, in dry and hot environments the ability of the immune system to react is reduced to respond to pathogens. Consequently, the researchers state that these environments represent a risk factor from three different points of view.

Experiments and other data

Woman blowing her nose and coronavirus spread
It is hypothesized that in low-humidity environments the chances of the virus spreading are greater.

Yale researchers mentioned laboratory tests performed on mice. It was possible to determine that in low-humidity environments, guinea pigs infected with respiratory viruses tended to contract the virus from other specimens.

It was also observed that mice living in environments with a relative humidity of 50% generated more effective immune responses, eventually being able to expel the inhaled viruses. A similar effect occurs in environments where the humidity is between 40 and 60%.

On the other hand, it has been reported that in tropical countries, where there are high relative humidity rates, the particles expelled by infected people can remain on surfaces for longer. If we add to this the lack of ventilation and overcrowding, then the advantages given by humidity are eliminated.

Prevention measures against the spread of Coronavirus

Scientists have been adamant that these findings can be applied to the transmission of the disease by inhalation, that is, through the droplets that the infected person expels when talking, coughing or sneezing. The advice is therefore to take two measures.

The first is to have dehumidifiers in the house during the winter. This could help reduce the spread of the virus. However, this measure must be accompanied by adequate ventilation and the absence of crowds. If not, it will not be effective.

On the other hand, it is important to understand that humidity alone does not prevent contagion, which can occur at any time of the year through direct contact. Just as it can happen through contact with surfaces where the virus is present. As a result, it is still important to keep social distance and wash your hands often.

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