Constipation: Fight It With Natural Remedies

Did you know that you can regulate intestinal transit and say goodbye to constipation with simple home remedies and natural? Find out in the following article.
Constipation: fight it with natural remedies

One of the most common and annoying digestive disorders that affects many people around the world is constipation (or constipation) , a condition that can occur at any age. 

For this reason, in this article we will introduce you to some home remedies that can be very useful for treating this disorder; remedies for constipation , which  bring almost immediate relief.

Drink a lot of water

This liquid is the best remedy for relieving constipation. It is necessary to drink about 8 glasses of water a day, since our body is made up of at least 80 percent water and, therefore, all organs depend on it.

Likewise, this helps to transport nutrients to each cell and, in addition, provides the necessary moisture for the intestine to make the stool softer so it can be eliminated more easily.

Eat more fiber-rich foods

Broccoli in pieces

Increasing the consumption of foods rich in fiber means giving the body the possibility of preventing constipation.

In the event that this disorder is already present, all the more reason we must take the largest possible amount of these foods to remedy this condition. It is  essential to eat three portions of either fruit or vegetables and vegetables every day. 

Below we present some foods that, taken on a regular basis, can be of great help in avoiding constipation and many other problems related to the digestive system.

  • Beans, and all legumes in general, are foods that provide large amounts of fiber, as well as protein. They are low in fat and are a great substitute for meat.
  • Broccoli, in addition to being rich in fiber, possess important antibiotic properties and are also recognized anti-carcinogenic properties.
  • Dried fruits such as figs, plums, apricots, among others, offer great relief for constipation thanks to the stimulating action they exert on the intestine, promoting better defecation.
  • Raw nuts and seeds, such as sunflower seeds, hazelnuts and chestnuts are very healthy for the amount of fiber they contain; they also have proteins, vitamins E and calcium.
  • Cherries contain ellagic acid, a compound that possesses anticarcinogenic properties. They are very effective in reducing constipation and, moreover, they are used to carry out kidney cleansing treatments.

Other foods rich in fiber

  • Ripe bananas have a large amount of fiber and stimulate digestion, which is very important in avoiding constipation.
  • Apples are rich in fiber and the pectins contained in them stimulate the proper functioning of the intestine.  In fact, apple cider vinegar can be a fantastic natural laxative if you take two tablespoons in half a glass of water before breakfast.
  • Carrot is rich in beta-carotene, is a natural detoxifier and is rich in fiber, thus stimulating the proper functioning of the intestine and promoting easier defecation.
  • Green leafy vegetables, including spinach and cauliflower, provide our body with a large amount of vitamins and minerals essential for the proper functioning of the body.

Drink fresh juices to combat constipation

Natural fruit juices

It is recommended to drink fresh fruit and vegetable juices to improve constipation problems quite effectively.

Furthermore, these tasty juices are prepared at home and are therefore much healthier. In addition, they contain high amounts of antioxidants, essential to eliminate the toxins that accumulate when it is not possible to defecate regularly.

You need to take healthy oils to fight constipation

It is very important to use healthful oils when preparing food, such as coconut or olive oil. 

They help improve the condition of constipation, as they stimulate digestion and greatly reduce flatulence and other inconveniences that arise when suffering from this condition.

Take probiotics on a regular basis against constipation

Bananas, tomatoes, garlic, onions and asparagus contain probiotics, which ensure proper intestinal and digestive functioning. This will make it much easier to eliminate intestinal waste on a regular basis.

Cleanse the colon with oxygen-based products

It is scientifically proven that cleansing the colon with these products can help reduce constipation. In addition, they rid the body of toxins that accumulate in the intestine. 

The use of these products is uncommon, but they are safer products because they do not abuse the digestive tract as they are much more delicate than common laxatives.

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