Bromazepam: What Is It For And What Is The Correct Dosage?

Bromazepam administered in low doses calms psychic tension, anxiety and nervousness. At higher doses it has a sedative and muscle relaxing effect.
Bromazepam: what is it for and what is the correct dosage?

Bromazepam belongs to the benzodiazepines, a group of medicines capable of reducing neuronal stimulation and having an antiepileptic, anxiolytic, hypnotic and muscle relaxant effect.

Administered in low doses, Bromazaepam calms psychic tension, anxiety and nervousness. At higher doses, however, it has a sedative and muscle relaxing effect.

This drug is indicated for people with symptoms of anxiety, tension, depression, nervousness, restlessness and difficulty sleeping. Some people with anxiety or nervousness may also have heart, respiratory, or digestive disorders. Bromazepam can help calm these symptoms as well.

In most cases, short-term treatment is sufficient. Generally, it should not exceed 8-12 weeks, including the time it takes to gradually stop treatment.

Bromazepam addiction development

Bromazepam is an anxiolytic.

In addition to the immediate effects of benzodiazepines, Bromazepam can cause addiction in the medium and long term .

The risks arise from its ability to produce enzyme induction in the liver, which results in tolerance to this active ingredient. To obtain the same effect, therefore, the dose must be progressively increased. If administration is interrupted, withdrawal syndrome appears.

How to take Bromazepam?

Bromazepam is offered in capsules to be taken orally. Depending on the nature of the disorder, the age and weight of the patient, the doctor will suggest the correct dosage.

Precautions before taking bromazepam

  • You should not take Bromazepam if you are allergic to the active ingredient or to the benzodiazepine group in general. It is also not recommended for those who are addicted to alcohol or drugs.
  • Alcohol should be avoided during treatment . Alcohol can actually intensify its effects.
  • Expectant mothers should inform their doctor before taking Bromazepam. The same goes for breastfeeding.
  • In patients over the age of 65, the doctor will readjust and evaluate the dose based on the response to the drug.
  • Even if you have liver or kidney problems, breathing problems or muscle weakness, your doctor will need to evaluate the dosage and suitability of Bromazepam treatment.

What is the correct dosage?


It is recommended to start treatment with a low dosage. In most cases, three 1.5 mg capsules per day will be sufficient, distributed in two or three doses.

Bromazepam capsules should be taken before or during meals. They are to be swallowed whole with a little water, without chewing them.

Generally, a short cycle is needed, i.e. no longer than 8-12 weeks. This time frame also includes the period necessary for the gradual discontinuation of treatment.

To prevent withdrawal symptoms, you should not abruptly stop taking Bromazepam, especially if you have been taking it for a long time.

What side effects can Bromazepam have?

Most patients tolerate this medicine well. However, the following side effects may be observed at the start of treatment:

  • Confusion and sleepiness.
  • Headache, dizziness and decreased alertness.
  • Ataxia, lack of coordination and double vision.
  • Nausea, vomiting, muscle weakness and fatigue.

These symptoms usually go away when treatment is continued. However, the following conditions may also arise:

  • Disorders of the immune system.
  • Psychiatric disorders, such as depression.
  • Irritability.
  • Aggression.
  • Fits of anger.
  • Nightmares.
  • Hallucinations.

Taking these medications can also be associated with heart ailments such as heart failure and heart attacks. It can also cause fainting and subsequent fractures, with a higher risk in older patients who also take other sedatives.

As seen, taking benzodiazepines can induce physical dependence, even at therapeutic doses. This mainly happens when the drug is taken continuously over a long period of time.


Bromazepam is a benzodiazepine. This drug has been shown to be effective and safe in the short term for treating anxiety disorders and severe insomnia, with treatment lasting about 8-12 weeks.

Although there is documentation that does not justify its long-term use, it is sometimes prescribed for longer periods of time.

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