Body Care: 7 Bad Health Mistakes

Showering with very hot water can be tempting in winter, but we must be careful: too high a temperature can remove the protective barrier of the skin
Body care: 7 bad health mistakes

Body care and daily hygiene gestures are important if we want to maintain a healthy appearance.

Many times, however, thinking we are doing well, we instead make some mistakes by  making gestures that are not useful, but are actually negative.

Body care: 7 mistakes that damage health

1. Cutting your nails incorrectly

Many of us use scissors to cut our nails. However, it must be remembered that the nails  have a layered structure, overlapping like bricks.

When we use scissors, the nail structure deforms, peels and becomes brittle.

To avoid damaging them, it is best to use the nail clipper that makes flat cuts; eventually finish with a file to give the desired shape.

2. Clean your nose with your fingers

Woman in profile

It is a bad habit, also because on the fingers there are many microbes that coming into contact with the nasal mucosa can cause inflammation.

For a more complete nose cleaning, the ideal is to use a pitcher with warm water and salt.

This is the procedure:

  • Tilt your head and slowly pour the water through one of the two nostrils.
  • Let the liquid come out of the other nostril.
  • Alternate.
  • After this operation, plug one nostril, exhale strongly; repeat with the other.
  • In this way the water carries away the residues and cleans the nose, avoiding nasal congestion, allergies or sinusitis.

3. Scented shower gels and soaps

For body care, it is essential to wash every day, but we must be careful with soaps.

Indiscriminate use of shower gel or perfumed soaps destroys our body’s natural barrier against external agents. The skin, therefore, becomes more vulnerable to disease and dries up.

  • Opt for fragrance-free or glycerin-based soaps: they contain fewer chemicals and keep the skin hydrated.
  • Avoid very acidic or very high pH soaps.

4. Take a shower or wash your hair with very hot water

Woman in the shower

Very hot showers can alter the skin’s natural hydration. The perfect temperature for a bathroom is 44 ° C or less and is already enough to remove dirt and bacteria.

Higher temperatures risk removing the natural oily protection, which is important to keep the skin hydrated and soft.

The same goes for hair: boiling water makes it more porous and brittle. Furthermore, deprived of its natural oils, the hair becomes dull and dull.

5. Incorrect oral hygiene

Flawless body care includes healthy, well-groomed and well-brushed teeth.

  • It is advisable to brush your teeth in the morning, after lunch and after dinner.
  • The problem often lies in how we brush them and how much toothpaste we use.
  • The correct movement is from top to bottom. Done too hard or left to right it can irritate the gums.
  • You need to brush your teeth from the inside out to get rid of tartar. Complete the cleaning with dental floss to remove the remains of food between teeth, thus preventing the proliferation of bacteria.

An excess of toothpaste causes the bristles of the toothbrush to slide too much on the surface of the teeth, making cleaning less effective. The recommended amount is a pea-sized ball.

Remember: cleaning depends on how you use the toothbrush, not the amount of toothpaste.

6. Use too much conditioner for your hair or wash it every day

Girl washes her hair in the shower

An excess of conditioner, even when you have dry hair, can deposit residues that leave your hair dirty and lifeless. On the scalp, however, it clogs pores and slows hair growth.

  • The optimal amount of conditioner is about one drop the size of a coin. Apply it only on the tips.
  • Washing your hair every day eliminates the natural oily protection and leaves it dry and with a tendency to break.

7. Put your hand in front of your mouth when sneezing or coughing

We have always been told to put our hand in front of our mouth in these two circumstances.

In fact, most viruses are transmitted by air and the best way to do this is through sneezing and coughing.

Using your hand to cover your mouth, however, is not a good habit. The viruses present in saliva, in fact, find an excellent substrate in the hands.

Better cover yourself with a tissue to get rid of it immediately afterwards.

If you don’t have a tissue handy, use your arm. This way you will avoid rubbing your eyes or face later with your hands full of virus, with the risk of moving the infection to the eyelids or other parts of the face.

Eliminate these mistakes in body care – your health will thank you!

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