Blastomycosis: Calming Symptoms With Natural Remedies

Blastomycosis is a fungal infection. Symptoms can be kept under control with the help of some natural remedies, but you should always consult a specialist first to get a correct diagnosis.
Blastomycosis: calming symptoms with natural remedies

Sometimes what appears to be a common flu extends further than expected and ends up attacking areas other than the respiratory tract. This is the case with blastomycosis.

In these cases, it is important to consult your doctor so that he can assess the situation. You may have a fungal infection known as blastomycosis.

To keep alert and be able to distinguish it from a common flu, it is important to recognize the symptoms. Below we present them to you.

In this article we present 5 effective natural remedies to calm the symptoms of this disease. While unsupported by scientific studies, these do-it-yourself treatments can be beneficial, thanks to their antifungal properties.

What is blastomycosis?

Blastomycosis is an infectious disease that predominantly affects the lungs, skin and bones. Also known as Gilchrist’s disease, this infection is caused by the fungus Blastomyces dermatitidis .

The respiratory system is the most affected, since the most common form of contagion is through the respiratory tract, by inhalation of the fungus.

Depending on the host organism’s immune status, the fungus can pass into the blood and affect other tissues, such as bone or skin.

Typically this fungus is found in decaying organic material, such as leaves and branches, in moist soils. It is rarely transmitted through the skin, so it is less likely to affect other parts of the body. In addition, in the case of  skin blastomycosis, the problem usually goes away on its own.   

Symptoms of blastomycosis

Pulmonary blastomycosis doesn’t always have clear symptoms, unless it spreads to other tissues. In this case, the symptoms will be similar to those of an acute flu or pneumonia. For example:

  • Temperature.
  • Dyspnea.
  • General malaise.
  • Muscle pain or fatigue.
  • Pain in the joints.
  • Feeling of pain in the chest.
  • Cough (sometimes with expulsion of mucus with traces of blood).

When it comes to skin blastomycosis, the lesions occur in areas such as the armpits, neck, face, or limbs. The symptoms are:

  • Bleeding skin lesions that can develop into ulcers.
  • They may have a purplish-gray color.
  • The lesions tend to be concentrated around the nose and mouth.
  • Skin lesions that can appear as ulcers or warts.

5 natural remedies to calm the symptoms of blastomycosis

Given the characteristics of this disease, it is sometimes difficult to distinguish it from other pathologies. Therefore, it can be a bit tricky to find a suitable treatment.

For this reason, natural remedies can be of great help when allopathic medicine has not yet been prescribed by the specialist.

1. Coconut oil

Natural coconut oil.


This oil is well known for its countless properties. Among these, antifungal and antibacterial properties are recognized.

For this reason, coconut oil is a very useful ingredient in treating yeast infections


  • Coconut oil (just enough).

How to use it

  • Take one teaspoon of coconut oil per day (5ml).
  • When skin lesions are present, apply some oil to the skin after a shower.

2. Eat garlic

According to popular tradition, garlic is the antifungal par excellence due to its allicin content. For this reason it is highly indicated in the treatment of fungal diseases, such as blastomycosis.

There are those who recommend the consumption of a couple of cloves of garlic a day or a tablet of garlic three times a day. Although it is usually said that integrating garlic into a balanced diet is enough.

3. Hydraste

This plant, native to Canada, is known by various names. It is a powerful antifungal, which is used in conjunction with other remedies that have the same properties. In this way, the effect is amplified.


  • 1 cup of water (250 ml).
  • 10 drops of hydraste tincture.
  • Hydraste capsules (in case you don’t like the flavor of this plant).

How to consume it?

  • Pour the hydraste tincture into the water and mix.
  • Drink the preparation 3 times a day.
  • If you prefer, replace the herbal tea with a pill, always 3 times a day.

4. Vitamin C

Vitamin c tablets.

Vitamin C is a great ally in the treatment of infections, because it has an important stimulating action for the immune system.

Consuming this vitamin can calm the symptoms of blastomycosis.


  • Vitamin C supplements
  • Citrus fruits (mandarins, lemons, oranges, etc.).

How to consume it?

  • Eat at least one citrus fruit a day.
  • If you prefer, you can take a vitamin C supplement a day.

5. Suffumigi of eucalyptus

Eucalyptus is a highly recommended plant in case of respiratory problems due to its antiseptic and antibacterial properties.

It is widely used in the treatment of diseases of the respiratory tract, because it eliminates the possible causes of infection in these areas.


  • 1 towel.
  • 4 cups of water (1 liter).
  • 10 drops of eucalyptus essential oil.

How to use it?

  • Add the drops of eucalyptus oil to the water and heat.
  • When it boils, remove from heat.
  • Cover your head with the towel and put your face on the pot to avoid burning yourself.
  • The towel must cover the surface of the pot to prevent steam from escaping.
  • Breathe deeply so that the steam enters the nasal passages, until the water has cooled down.

Do you want to try this remedy? First, consult your doctor

According to popular wisdom, these natural remedies can help treat fungal infections, such as blastomycosis.

However, before using them, do not forget to ask your doctor for advice to find out if they are suitable for you and to find out how you could benefit from them. The professional will be able to advise you.

Finally, once the characteristics of this disease are known, it will be much easier to discover the best way to intervene. In this case, if you notice symptoms of blastomycosis, you will be able to recognize them more easily and take the necessary measures.

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