Benefits Of Pineapple Water: What Are They?

Pineapple water has anti-inflammatory and purifying properties. If drunk on an empty stomach, it is much more effective, because our stomach will absorb more nutrients and all its healthy active ingredients.
Benefits of pineapple water: what are they?

We all know the great benefits of pineapple, this delicious and healthy fruit, but what do we know about the benefits of pineapple water? Keep reading this article, we will show you some of them.

Sugar-free, rich in precious elements, pineapple water is an excellent drink for keeping us hydrated, fighting inflammation, stimulating and protecting the liver, to name a few of its many properties.

It is simple to make and so delicious that we invite you to take note.

Main benefits of pineapple water on an empty stomach

In our magazine we regularly recommend various treatments to detoxify you and strengthen your immune defenses:

  • Drink a glass of warm water and lemon in the morning.
  • Eat garlic on an empty stomach.
  • Take a tablespoon of olive oil with a few drops of lemon juice.
  • A glass of water with a spoonful of baking soda and a little lemon juice.
  • A glass of water and honey on an empty stomach.

Well, one thing is clear: some people will be fine with one treatment rather than another. Not all organisms are the same and certainly personal taste also comes into play: what you like will offer a better result.

Drinking pineapple water is a safe way, for example, to reach the two liters of water we need to drink every day.

It is a light drink, without sugar and, without that slightly acidic flavor typical of natural pineapple, it becomes pleasant and suitable for all stomachs, even the most delicate ones.

Let’s see, first, what are the most important benefits of pineapple water.

the benefits of pineapple water are manifold

1. Reduces inflammation

  • Pineapple contains a very useful enzyme called bromelain. Its main action on our body is to fight inflammation, destroying the toxins that attack the tissues and cause pain, edema and water retention.
  • Drinking pineapple water regularly makes us feel better. It is very useful, for example, if you suffer from arthritis.
  • We recommend that you drink this natural drink on an empty stomach: in this way the stomach absorbs more nutrients and reap the maximum benefits. By drinking it after eating, then mixing it with other substances, we hinder its purifying and anti-inflammatory action.

2. A good supplement in weight loss diets

First of all, let’s clarify that pineapple water is not enough to lose weight, if not accompanied by a varied and balanced diet.

Only in these cases can you reap the following benefits:

  • Greater sense of satiety.
  • Less desire to satisfy oneself with sweets.
  • The thiamine present in pineapple water will allow you to speed up your metabolism by converting carbohydrates into energy.
  • It is highly moisturizing.
  • It provides micronutrients that water alone does not offer you. It might be a good habit to carry a small bottle of pineapple water in your bag.
  • Prevents cramps and other problems associated with fatigue: the potassium present in pineapple helps maintain the right balance of electrolytes in our body.

3. Protects the liver and intestines

The benefits of pineapple water also include the protection of the liver and intestines
  • Bromelain is an enzyme contained in pineapple, which acts as a catalyst for the liver, helping it synthesize vitamins and proteins.
  • The beneficial enzymes and antioxidants found in pineapple water help detoxify the body of heavy metals.
  • Helps keep the intestines clean.
  • To prevent constipation, it is always advisable to eat pineapple plain.

4. It’s good for the thyroid

  • Did you know that pineapple contains iodine? In addition, bromelain protects against many autoimmune diseases, and is therefore useful for treating the symptoms of thyroid malfunction.

How to make pineapple water?

Among the benefits of pineapple water there is also a reduction in inflammation of the organism

Method No. 1


  • ½ pineapple
  • 1 liter of water


  • It is the easiest and fastest way to prepare it. It will be sufficient to peel the half pineapple, divide it into pieces and put them in a jug full of fresh water.
  • Leave the pineapple to soak overnight. The next day, by removing the fruit (which you can eat separately), you will have obtained enriched water. Drink it throughout the day, always remembering the importance of drinking the first glass on an empty stomach.

Method No. 2


  • ½ pineapple with peel
  • 1 liter of water
  • a stick of cinnamon


  • Cut the pineapple in half, peel it and cut it into pieces. In this case, however, keep the peel, because we are going to prepare an infusion.
  • Boil a liter of water, add the peel, well washed, the pineapple cut into pieces and the cinnamon stick.
  • Let it boil for at least 20 minutes.
  • Let the mixture rest for another 15 minutes. You can then pour it and get the pineapple water.
  • Pour it into a carafe and put it in the fridge, if you like it fresh. You will see how it will make you feel good!

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