Beer Benefits You Didn’t Know About

Recent research shows that beer brings several benefits to our health. So let’s find out what are the 10 main benefits of beer
Benefits of beer you did not know about

Wine consumers have enjoyed this splendid guilt-free drink for years. In fact, red wine has been scientifically proven to help protect us from certain cardiovascular diseases. However, more recent research shows that beer can also be great for our health. We therefore invite you to discover the 10 benefits of beer.

It is important, however, to remember that the trick to enjoying the benefits of beer lies in moderation: in fact, the recommended daily quantities are in fact a 33 cl beer for women and a maximum of two for men. As a result, excessive alcohol consumption can be harmful to the liver or lead to certain types of cancer and heart problems.

1. Benefits of Beer: Stronger Bones

benefits of beer

Beer contains high levels of silicon, which exerts excellent effects on bone health. In fact, a study conducted in 2009 by the University of Tufts and other centers showed that men and women of a certain age who drank one or two beers a day had higher bone density.

On the other hand, however, the consumption of more than two beers has been associated with a greater risk of fractures; therefore “moderation” is the key word.

2. A healthier heart

More than 100 studies have shown that moderate beer consumption decreases the risk of heart attacks and death from cardiovascular disease by 25% to 40%.

In other words, one or two beers a day can help raise levels of HDL, the so-called “good cholesterol”, which helps prevent clogging of the arteries.

3. Healthier kidneys

A study in Finland revealed that men who drink a bottle of beer a day are 40% less vulnerable to kidney stones. In fact, one of the theories that would explain these data is that the high water content of beer helps keep the kidneys working continuously, or that the hops in beer helps to avoid stone formation.

4. A more active brain is one of the benefits of beer

According to the researchers, a beer a day can help keep diseases like Alzheimer’s away and, in addition, ward off other diseases that affect the brain.

5. Reduction of the risk of cancer

One study showed that marinating meat in beer eliminates nearly 70% of the carcinogens, called heterocyclic amines (HCAs), that are produced when frying meat.

6. Benefits of Beer: Increased Vitamin Levels

A Dutch study found that those who regularly drink beer have 30% higher levels of vitamin B6 than those who never drink it. In addition, beer also contains vitamin B12 and folic acid.

7. Protection against cerebrovascular problems

Beer helps prevent blood clots that block blood flow to the heart, neck and brain.

8. Lower risk of diabetes

Researchers have found that alcohol increases insulin sensitivity, which helps protect us against diabetes.

9. Low blood pressure

Moderate beer users are less likely to suffer from high blood pressure problems, a factor that is often the cause of heart attacks.

10. Benefits of beer: a longer life

Moderate beer consumption prevents around 26,000 deaths a year, thanks to protection from cardiovascular disease, brain bleeding and diabetes.

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