Be Happy Thanks To 10 Special Tips

Happiness is a choice. Choose to be happy, because you deserve it.
Be happy with 10 special tips

Life is meant to be lived with joy. Very often it happens to think that we do not deserve to have a joyful life and to be happy. However, we should understand that happiness is a choice. It is not something that happens to us and over which we have no decision and no influence.

To be able to achieve happiness, we must first understand that what we do and think has an influence on it: for this we must be able to change all actions and thoughts that go against our own happiness. Here are 10 simple tips to be happy that we hope will help you improve your life.

1. Pleasure is the basis for being happy

Find pleasure wherever you go. It doesn’t matter if the circumstances are negative or positive: you create the pleasure. Start and end it all by pleasing yourself. Be agile recipients of all the delightful things this life can offer you.

2. Play

Think of the schoolyard, where the sound of laughter and singing always resounds. Look for happiness together with others, make them participate in the game. The little things are enough, a smile, a kind compliment, letting your children get dirty with mud… Play!

3. Forget about dramas to be happy

Don’t make a drama of everything that happens to you in life. Stop focusing attention on negative things, complimenting yourself, or seeking the sympathy and understanding of others. Also stop giving too much to others, and give it to yourself.

Before anything else, fill in your own gaps. And while you do, stop focusing on bad news, including media news that has nothing to do with you. There is nothing else that can help you get over the drama but try to stop it. Dramas based on fear do not bring happiness.

4. Find peace of mind

Be happy

Sit back and breathe the tranquility. You may feel weird at first, but the more you do it, the more you will be able to connect with yourself. And, the more you understand yourself, the less needy you will feel, because tranquility can give you the peace you longed for, and it is vital to achieving happiness.

5. Accepting yourself for who you are is essential to being happy

Accepting yourself is the starting point for achieving happiness. When we can also consider our defects as a gift, reaching happiness also becomes much easier. Self-acceptance leads to a happiness that many people never get to experience in life.

Accepting yourself as you are is also a crucial step in loving others, because if we don’t love ourselves it is impossible to love someone else.

6. Stop going out looking for approval

Nobody has to approve or validate what you do or how you do it. Happiness comes from searching for a passion or a feeling of happiness within you. It is precisely by looking within that you will be able to understand what you really like, while very often the search for the approval of others blocks us.

Many people live life based on what others think, and never get to experience true happiness.

7. Don’t reject the pain

When one tries to stop or avoid pain, happiness is also avoided. All emotions must be experienced in the same way and in the same quantity : if you reject one emotion, you reject them all, and your life experience will become dull or even depressing. Don’t hide from the pain, allow it.

8. You are worthy to be happy: believe it!

Sometimes it happens to live always expecting some misfortune. We worry about being too happy, because we believe that sooner or later this happiness will come back to haunt us at great cost. If you are among those people who are afraid of happiness, as if they were to fight against the titans and suffer a lot before considering themselves worthy to be happy, remember that you are worthy now, right now, just as you are!

9. Be an active person

run to be happy

Literally, do something active. Take care of the garden, exercise, in short: do something that stimulates you physically. Pleasure and happiness increase when you are physically active.

If you are trying to do this, now is a good time to say goodbye to some of the old beliefs about happiness, the ones that risk making you feel depressed or repentant again. Gain clarity, get rid of negative thoughts and start moving.

10. Forget about the result

Holding on to the idea that things have to be done a certain way or constantly waiting for the moment to reach happiness can take you further away from it. You may feel that your current circumstances dictate your level of happiness.

You may think that you have a goal to reach, a goal that will give you happiness. But if you are waiting to be happy, the goal will continue to be difficult to achieve. Happiness is not the goal, but the path that leads you towards it.

Stress and disappointment are caused by expectations: rethink yours and reflect on which of them are realistic and which are not. Ask yourself why you cling to them. This way you can let yourself go and be happy.

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