Back Pain And Joint Pain: An Effective Remedy

Stress, bumps and bad habits weaken the bones and joints. Try this recipe to keep them in good condition and to avoid annoying pains.
Back pain and joint pain: an effective remedy

Back pain and joint pain are very common ailments and, in fact, are among the main reasons for going to the doctor.

In general, they are caused by overexertion during the working day, but they can also be the result of trauma or illness.

In most cases, these are mild ailments that can be resolved with a little rest, taking painkillers and practicing some strengthening exercises.

Sometimes, however, they can be recurrent and have to do with the development of chronic diseases, such as arthritis or osteoarthritis.

The most worrying thing is that over time the situation can become more serious, to the point of limiting the ability to move and the skills needed to perform daily tasks.

For this reason, it is very important to change our eating habits and add the nutrients our bones and joints need to stay strong.

In this sense, it is good to know that there are natural supplements whose properties help strengthen bones and joints without exposing the body to unwanted effects.

This is the case, for example, of the prodigious natural gelatin, a collagen-rich ingredient that has been shown to be very beneficial for health.

Below we will show you in detail its main benefits against back pain and joint pain. A simple recipe to take advantage of its qualities at home. Take notes!

Back pain and joint pain: a great recipe

Jars with gelatin

What is gelatin and what are its benefits for relieving pain?

Gelatin is a natural product obtained by processing the collagen of pigs and cows. Of these, the skin and bones are used, the parts in which the protein that allows to obtain this product is concentrated.

Although not everyone likes its origin, it must be considered that it is a very useful ingredient for the preparation of many recipes and, as if that were not enough, it is an important source of nutritional principles.

Benefits for relieving back pain and joint pain

The main benefits of gelatin against pains are due to its composition, consisting of more than 90% of proteins, 2% of mineral salts and 8% of water.

Such components improve the ability to synthesize collagen in the body and significantly reduce inflammation.

It contains amino acids known as arginine and glycine which, after reaching the various systems of the body, stimulate the formation of muscle mass and strengthen the joints.

Sore hands

Even though it is a food of animal origin, it does not contain cholesterol, it is fat-free and its caloric intake is quite low.

It also prolongs the feeling of satiety, improves metabolism and helps to carry out digestive processes properly.

The most important thing is that it serves to provide elasticity and strength to the cartilages,  reducing their deterioration and avoiding the development of more serious injuries.

Finally, its active compounds keep skin healthy, reduce the risk of premature aging and strengthen bones.

Jelly-based recipe to soothe back pain and joint pain

Gelatin for back pain and joint pain

In order to protect joint health, it is recommended to take between 10 and 15 grams of natural gelatin per day. This quantity can be added to sweets, smoothies, natural juices and other easy-to-eat preparations.

It would also be convenient to prepare pure gelatin to reduce the pain caused by overwork or some injury.


  • 1 teaspoon of tasteless gelatin (10 g)
  • ½ glass of frozen water (100 ml)
  • ½ glass of warm water (100 ml)


  • Add the teaspoon of tasteless gelatin to the frozen water and let it sit for a day.
  • The next morning, pour it into a saucepan, add half a glass of warm water and heat it in a bain-marie.
  • Once melted, remove from the heat and serve.
  • Take it every morning on an empty stomach, at least 30 minutes before breakfast.
  • You can pour it into a glass with orange juice to improve its flavor and facilitate its absorption.

Taking this remedy regularly can help avoid joint deterioration and continuous pain.

However, these results depend on each person’s lifestyle, especially as regards nutrition.

It is not to be ingested in case you have digestive or liver problems.

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