Aphthae Of The Tongue: Effective Natural Remedies

Aphthae of the tongue can be very painful, however it is possible to cure them if you follow the appropriate treatments and precautions.
Aphthae of the tongue: effective natural remedies

Tongue canker sores are small ulcers that cause discomfort and pain. They usually appear colorless and, in the worst case, a yellowish hue is noticed surrounded by a very red area.

They can appear as a result of allergies and viral infections, but also as a result of bites, the consumption of excessively hot, spicy, acidic or salty foods, among other factors. In the next few lines you will find some natural remedies to treat tongue canker sores .

Other causes

  • Stress.
  • Allergies.
  • Smoke.
  • Viral infections.
  • Hormonal imbalances.
  • Consumption of some medicines.
  • Vitamin deficiency (B 12, folic acid).

Among the areas in which canker sores tend to appear, the most frequent are:

  • The inside of the oral cavity
  • The inside of the lips
  • The inner walls of the cheeks
  • The base of the gums
  • The palate
  • The tongue

Natural remedies to cure tongue ulcers

Be patient and wait for wounds to heal while following your doctor’s instructions. In an effort to speed up healing, it is possible to significantly worsen the problem.

To complement the treatment established by the doctor, it is possible to use the following natural remedies to treat canker sores of the tongue.

1. Warm water and salt

This is one of the best treatments for quickly calming mouth sores, as salt has antiseptic properties that will help prevent infections and reduce inflammation.


  • 3 tablespoons of salt (30 g).
  • 4 cups of water (1 liter).

What needs to be done?

  • Add water and salt to a saucepan and stir until dissolved.
  • Heat to a boil and remove from the heat.
  • Keep the mixture in bottles and wait for it to cool.
  • Gargle for at least a minute and spit when finished.
  • You need to gargle at least 4 times a day to be able to see the benefits quickly.

2. Treat tongue sores with ice

Ice on the chin

Ice can help calm canker sores as it reduces inflammation in the affected area. How to benefit from its benefits? Just hold an ice cube directly on the bladder for a few seconds.

Wait for the area to go numb and for the pain to subside. Repeat as often as necessary ( with time intervals to avoid burning the tongue ).

In the case of canker sores, it is also recommended to drink cold water.

3. Chamomile

Mushing and gargling with warm chamomile tea can help you get some relief, as it has anti-inflammatory and analgesic and antibacterial properties.


  • 1 glass of water (200 ml).
  • 1 tablespoon of chamomile tea (10 g)

What needs to be done?

  • Boil the water and add the chamomile.
  • Leave to infuse for 3-5 minutes.
  • After the indicated time, remove the infusion from the heat and then let it rest for 5 minutes.
  • Use the tea to gargle during the day.
Exercises for the contour of the mouth

Note : Doctors advise against using baking soda and hydrogen peroxide to gargle, rinse, or other oral treatments. They are very abrasive and unsuitable, and they can aggravate the problem.

They also advise against using aloe vera for mouth ulcers, as it can cause irritation and other discomfort. Furthermore, it could also contribute to the infection of the sore.

It should not be forgotten that most remedies are not supported by scientific evidence, but by popular beliefs. Reason why it is preferable to avoid them.

How to avoid the onset of tongue ulcers?

These tips will allow you to free yourself, at least partially, from the annoying canker sores of the tongue:

  • Avoid spicy, sour, sweet and hot foods when you have canker sores.
  • Do not touch the wounds: this would delay their healing, consequently favoring any infections.
  • Drink cold water to keep the wound cool and thus reduce pain.
  • Don’t drink hot drinks when you have canker sores.
  • Maintain good oral hygiene by brushing your teeth several times a day.
  • Use oral mouthwashes in the presence of canker sores, as they will promote the elimination of bacteria and the healing of wounds.
  • Eat soft foods that don’t require much effort to chew.

As a final advice, if several days have passed and none of these remedies have had the desired effects, we suggest you contact your doctor. They may prescribe medications that will help calm the symptoms.

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