Muscle Tension: 6 Exercises To Relieve Stress

You can take advantage of any free moment of your day to release muscle tension. You just need to get in touch with yourself and gradually relax all parts of the body.
Muscle tension: 6 exercises to relieve stress

Everyday life is filled with moments when we feel worried or stressed. These situations can cause muscle tension which, accumulating, makes itself felt with some pain  and even with more serious diseases.

Stress and nervousness are the main cause of a good number of diseases and ailments, hence the importance of relieving tension accumulated during the day.

Why does stress turn into muscle tension?

When we are faced with a danger, our brain reacts immediately and prepares the body and mind to survive the threat.

This response translates into muscle contraction and tension: we prepare for defense.

Our organism, in reality, cannot distinguish the nature of the threat. If we feel overwhelmed by work or if we are faced with a ferocious animal, the signals that depart from the brain are the same.


6 exercises to release muscle tension

There are many ways to release tension and stress. Today we recommend a series of exercises that are very easy to do but useful for relieving muscle pain.

1. Back tension

  • Stand up and stretch your arms above your head.
  • Arch gently back so that your spine forms a slight arch.
  • When finished, return to the starting position.
  • Repeat this movement 5 times.

This exercise is very suitable when the tension is concentrated on the back.

2. Neck tension

girl with neck muscle tension

The neck is one of the first parts of the body to feel the effects of stress. This very simple exercise is enough to relieve the tension.

  • Stand with your legs spread at shoulder height.
  • Placing your hands on your hips, tilt your head back and forth, as if to nod.
  • Perform eight repetitions.

3. Face and head tension

Woman with hands on head

Sometimes it is the head and face that are tense due to stress and anxiety. Thanks to this exercise you will feel more relaxed.

  • Stand up and stretch your arms above your head.
  • Tilt your head left and right.
  • Help yourself with your hands to support the movement.
  • Do eight repetitions, four on each side.

4. Muscle tension in the upper body

The following exercise is perfect for relieving tension that builds up on the back, trapezius and neck.

  • Stand up and stretch your arms above your head.
  • Bend your neck to the right and then to the left, pushing with your hands to increase the stretch.
  • Hold the first position for 10 seconds, then switch to the other side.

5. Lower body tension

This exercise can help reduce tension in the hips, lower back, and lower back muscles.

  • Lean your body to the right. Slide your left hand along the right arm.
  • Return to the starting position and repeat on the other side.
  • Do 8 repetitions, four for each part.

6. To discharge any kind of voltage

Woman in the office does neck stretching

This exercise is ideal for people suffering from excessive physical, mental and emotional tension.

When you feel overwhelmed by anxiety or fatigue after a tiring day, do this:

  • Find a quiet and well-ventilated corner.
  • Stand up (but you can also sit) with your feet together. Relax your eyes by keeping them narrowed and breathe normally.
  • The head must be straight, without tension.
  • Now, drop your arms to the sides of your body. If you are sitting, rest your arms by resting them on your legs.
  • Let the shoulders push down and towards the elbows. You will feel the tension release through your fingers.
  • Now release the weight of the trunk down and towards the pelvis.
  • Relax your abdomen and feel how your feet rest firmly on the floor.
  • Now that you have reached a state of complete relaxation, imagine that your head touches the sky, while your feet are firmly planted on the ground.
  • If you feel your body sway, do nothing. Let it “express” itself and find calm after eliminating the accumulated tensions.
  • Try to hold this position for five minutes. The secret of this exercise is to rest your mind and let your worries flow.
  • After five minutes, rub your hands and massage your face, neck and nape.

These are six simple but useful exercises to eliminate the tensions that build up as a result of stress and worries.

Try them, you will immediately feel better.

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